Best Cafe For Everything

Epic Café
745 N. Fourth Ave.

STAFF PICK: The recent upswing in the number of traffic accidents in Tucson can be attributed to a number of factors, ranging from a burgeoning population to the urban ailment known as "road rage." We, however, believe these accidents are the result of people trying to get to Epic Café before they sell out of scones. Everything at Epic is fresh and prepared on the premises. The scones are already part of Tucson legend. The other offerings are equally delicious, especially the hummus plate, which has single-handedly converted hundreds of lifetime carnivores into gentle, spiritually-aware vegetarians. The coffee is guaranteed to kick-start any faltering cardiovascular system into a caffeinated alpha state. Particular mention must be made of the Epic espresso, which, on a recent visit, actually burned its way through the porcelain demitasse, cutting a quarter-sized hole in the floor. At last report, it was seen burrowing its way through to the earth's mantle. Now that's espresso!

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