Best Convenience Store Cappuccino

Circle K
Every Street Corner In Tucson

STAFF PICK: Trendy coffeehouses tend to appear like spadefoot toads after a summer downpour. Unfortunately, they're often just as ephemeral; indeed, it's a common experience to find one's favorite strip-mall latte and espresso purveyor unexpectedly vanished, replaced by yet another acrylic-nail salon. This is exactly the reason why you should give up your West Coast pretensions right now and join the blue-collar breakfast crowd heading straight to the neighborhood Circle K. Once there, you'll find what your bean-addled body really needs: the incomparable Circle K Almond Amaretto cappuccino! (Just writing the name of this blissful nectar is sufficient to trigger a moist Pavlovian reaction.) There will be, undoubtedly, a brace of quibbling, elitist nabobs sure to raise issues of aesthetics and ambiance, claiming that a truly divine cappuccino cannot possibly come from a retail convenience store that also sells condoms, Corn-Nuts, and Hostess Ho-Hos. The devil with them, we say! The intoxicating flavor of this delicious, ambrosial beverage renders all objections moot. (And don't forget the "Buy 4 Hot Beverages, Get One Free" card.) We're on our way to Circle K...see you there!

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