NOW MORE THAN ever, thinking people everywhere want to
know what the future holds...so we've once again turned to famed
psychic Stella Sabrini to share her predictions for the year 2000--and
Augmenting her own powerful precognitive abilities with secret
lost Hohokam texts and a probability supercomputer of her own
design, Stella has pierced the veil of time itself to bring these
astonishing visions of what is yet to be:
• The Southwest Center for Biological Diversity files a
lawsuit forcing the federal government to list the chupacabras--the
legendary Latin America goatsucker--as an endangered species.
Development is halted throughout Arizona, New Mexico and Southern
California while wildlife biologists try to develop a habitat
conservation plan to save the creatures. Monster hunters and real-estate
developers turn to the courts, arguing the goatsuckers are a dangerous
pest and shouldn't be considered endangered because they are plentiful
throughout Latin America.
• Distraught by the legendary weatherman's retirement, a
member of the Michael Goodrich fan club seduces her idol at his
Oklahoma home so she can obtain a sample of his "genetic
material" in order to clone him. His many clones find work
at local affiliates throughout the country, delivering deadpan
weather reports and finding homes for forlorn dogs, until a DNA
defect causes them to go mad and wreak havoc on the set.
• Local right-wing Christian scientists announce that CAP
water "cures" homosexuality, leading to an influx of
thirsty, sexually confused peoples to the Tucson area.
• Cartoonist Max Cannon is revealed to be breeding a race
of monkey men in his secret basement laboratory.
• On the day after Thanksgiving 2003, Tucson Mall officials
seal all shoppers inside and launch the entire mall into space!
UA scientists theorize the giant shopping plaza was actually a
spaceship designed by man-eating ETs to capture a meal.
• Guy Atchley is revealed to be the most technologically
sophisticated Muppet (TM) ever produced by Jim Henson Studios.
Controlled by longtime muppeteer Frank Oz, the Atchley Muppet
stars in the concluding chapter of George Lucas' new Star Wars
trilogy, which receives critical raves and leads to a number of
other newscasters (including Peter Jennings) coming out as Muppets.
• Encouraged by the success of Jesse "The Body"
Ventura in Minnesota, as well as Sonny Bono, Clint Eastwood and
Congressman Fred "Gopher" Grandy, '70s TV star Scott
Baio will move to Tucson and win the mayor's seat in a landslide
victory. Credit for the win is attributed to the overwhelming
popularity of his campaign bumper sticker, "I Want Charles
in Charge of Me."
• Mexican drug kingpins replace Maricopa County Sheriff
Joe Arpaio with a lookalike double. But the scheme is uncovered
when America's Toughest Sheriff's staff becomes suspicious after
the publicity-shy double begins to shun opportunities to appear
on television.
Pygmy Owl Pet Craze!!
• Efforts to save the pygmy owl are so successful that by
the 22nd century the tiny raptors become pets as common as dogs
or cats.
• The University of Arizona sells its literature department
to Nike, and thereafter only offers courses in the Freudian and
Deconstructionist readings of "The Swoosh."
• Using a revolutionary new computer image-enhancing system,
UA astronomers will discover a feature on Venus that resembles
the face of Princess Di.
• Under pressure from Norman Mailer and other best-selling
authors, Fife Symington is released from prison following the
publication of his acclaimed prison novel Errors and Omissions.
He and Evan Mecham open a chain of restaurants throughout Arizona.
Newspapers Merge Into Mediocrity!!
• In 2012 Tucson's daily newspapers, The Arizona Daily Star
and the Tucson Citizen, announce they're merging and reducing
the editorial staff--to zero. In another bold move, the corporate
owners jack up subscription rates and buy a high-tech word-processing
program that converts old stories into new ones merely by updating
names and dates--a move that makes dollars and sense because neither
paper has said anything original in the preceding two decades.
Penetration of the newly renamed Star-Citizen continues to decline.
• The Gannett corporation, by 2016 the sole owner of the
rapidly fading Star-Citizen (as well as every other newspaper
in America), develops robot reporters to "ensure greater
objectivity" by regurgitating whatever's told to them. The
journaldroids' work increases readership among artificial intelligence
computers, but human readers continue to ignore the paper and
penetration--as always--continues to decline.
• Traffic on Tucson streets grinds to a permanent halt during
the week before Christmas 1999. Computer nerds blame the Y2K bug
and demand millions from taxpayers to fix the problem, while right-wing
religious zealots view the monumental standstill as a harbinger
of ultimate doom and kill themselves. Normal people merely report
having more sex as a result of lost shopping time.
• Local TV news stations will soon go to hangliders instead
of helicopters, after a consultant's report indicates the public
thinks hanglider pilots are more sexy, in a Mad Max sort of way,
than wimpy helicopter pilots.
• Our glutted roadways are soon bypassed by a shiny new
monorail system that cheaply and efficiently moves Tucson's burgeoning
population of working poor to every corner of the rapidly sprawling
metropolis, where they can hold up their tattered "Will Work
For Food" signs. The gridlocked and abandoned cars of Christmas
'99 are left on the streets as shelters for massive numbers of
out-of-work TNI employees.