The political fix. Some are classy, most are just sleazy. But
this is Tucson, where it's as hard to find a classy fix as it
is for the mainstream media to notice when the truly sleazy deals
go down.
Of course, a good fix is never illegal. Remember the immortal
words of that great fixer, George Washington Plunkitt of New York's
Tammany Hall. He compared government to a big apple orchard, only
one of the trees is marked "penal code." Why pick the
apples from that tree when you have all those others?
So who was doing the picking in 1998?
That infamous 4,000-page budget the GOP Congress sent to President
Bill Clinton contains more pork for legendary land speculator
Don Diamond. U.S. Rep. Jim Callboy, er, Kolbe, Diamond's favorite
water boy, dropped in another million and change to buy some more
of Diamond's Rocking K for Saguaro National Park.
Diamond has already made about $8 million from Rocking K since
the property was rezoned--this without ever building or selling
off anything except to the feds. Obviously, Diamond is a genius,
compared to the schmucks who run our government.
The Seattle Times, in a recent series exposing many scams
in western land trades with the federal government, told us how.
Don't expect Diamond to just make out selling some land at an
inflated price. If past procedures are any indication, what will
occur is that Diamond's land will be over-appraised and some other
federal land will be undervalued. He'll then not only make out
on the swap, but probably get the cash, too. Maybe then he'll
be able to afford to buy Callboy, who just won re-election in
Congressional District 5, an even bigger water bucket.
Great ongoing fix. Bet we have more to tell you in 1999.
A group of environmentalists concerned with controlling growth
decide to place an initiative measure on the statewide ballot.
This scares the hell out of the Growth Lobby, so they draft a
counter-proposal that, among other things, basically blocks local
governments from restraining growth and sets up a process for
buying private land for open space. Then they get Gov. Jane Dee
Hull and the Legislature to endorse their counter-proposal.
The treehuggers proceed to screw up and not get enough signatures,
mainly because they jacked around too long in drafting their proposal.
Left standing is the legislative proposal, now euphemized as "Growing
Smarter." The opposition doesn't raise much money to beat
it, while the Growth Lobby spends more than $750,000 promoting
it. So the state is now stuck with it.
Part of "Growing Smarter" sets up a 15-member commission
to oversee the land deals and other portions of the operation.
The fix is already in--eight of the 15 are members of the Legislature,
chosen by themselves, two more are the heads of the corrupt State
Land Department and the State Parks Service. Both of those bureaucrats
are initially appointed by the Governor, as are the remaining
five seats on the commission. Please note that you could elect
John Muir governor and you still wouldn't control this puppy.
Hull has made her five appointments: a rancher, the former head
of the Salt River Project, and a mayor who heads the League of
Cities and Towns. And the final two--Phoenix attorney Steve Betts,
who helped draft the Growing Smarter plan in the first place and
is one of the many lawyers who represents legendary land Speculator
Don Diamond; and Luther Probst, who heads an environmental group
with ties to Diamond.
Callboy obviously isn't Diamond's only water boy. Do you suppose
some of that $200 million contained in Growing Smarter just might
be headed for the purchase of some Diamond land?
The Pima County Board of Supervisors decided to relinquish direct
control over a large portion of their budget by setting up a separate
authority to administer all county health matters. They delegated
most of that authority to Pima Health Systems, which has been
allowed a self-perpetuating board of directors, thereby negating
the supervisors' constitutional role of "supervising"
one-third of the county's general fund budget. The system would
appear to be modeled on the Tucson Airport Authority, which has
left Tucson as the only major city that doesn't control its own
(The role model for the TAA was the infamous New York Port Authority
set up by Robert Moses in New York City earlier in the century,
a system that historians tell us greatly influenced the way Mussolini
later ran Italy.)
The supes chose Dr. Richard Carmona as interim director for PHS
while implementing the plan,. The newly selected board was then
charged with picking a permanent director. After announcing a
nationwide search and reviewing more than 100 applicants for some
months, they chose, as we predicted they would, Dr. Richard Carmona.
Nice fix, Doc.
After Tucson's last chief of police, Doug Smith, abandoned ship
for a lower-paying job, the local media allowed him to claim it
was a "career enhancing" move. And before the Smith
administration was even in the grave, much less cold, City Manager
Luis Guttierez picked Smith's successor. Well, technically, the
seven potted plants that make up the Tucson City Council are supposed
to have the power of ratifying his decision, but everybody knew
it was Luis' call. And we predicted his choice before he made
Unlike the PHS folks, Luis didn't even try to cover this fix.
He limited the selection process to the four deputy chiefs, one
of whom immediately withdrew, leaving two others as stage props
for the guy everybody knew Luis wanted, Richard Miranda.
At least Guttierez didn't waste a lot of other people's time
faking it by having them apply. But this is one of the more obvious
fixes of the year.
Marie Pearthree is aptly named. She began her meteoric city career
with the Marie Antoinette of City Council, three-term Democrat
Janet Marcus of eastside Ward 2. Marcus, as this thirsty city
knows, levies high water rates, votes to serve CAP water, and
votes to impose water restrictions--all while luxuriating on the
shores of her private lake and in her East Glenn Street home's
private well.
Pearthree started in December 1995 as a Marcus aide at $41,388
a year. A registered engineer since 1991, she then took an engineering
job at Tucson Water, in February 1997, at $52,836 year. Ten months
later, Pearthree moved up as the troubled utility's water division
manager, at $69,293.
Her recent promotion to deputy director comes with even more
of the water users' money. Now Pearthree is taking home $76,222--an
84 percent increase in the three years since her days at Marcus'
A couple of months ago, we predicted her selection when the
job was opened as a civil service position for which all qualified
city employees were eligible.
This is but one example of how the bureaucracy manages to hog-tie
elected officials. A former congressman explained the game to
You're a new staff member working for a member of Congress. They
all have committee assignments, so let's say your boss sits on
Armed Services. A few weeks into your new job, you get a call
from the Pentagon. They want to brief you on a new weapons system
they'd like to procure. It's part of your job to be up on this
stuff, so you attend. They make sure you just happen to meet a
couple of Pentagon staffers who used to work for Congress but
who now have much better-paying and more secure positions. So,
how do you plan to guide your boss on this decision? Odds are
pretty good you won't decide it's a bad deal.
Same ploy works at all levels of government. And with the media.
How many former reporters do you think now work for state government
or the University for double what they used to make? That's one
of the biggest reasons the media generally just print the official
hand-outs and call it news.
And that's how it works in local government, too. We don't remember
Janet Marcus as being anything besides a trained seal for whatever
City Water wanted. And we doubt if her former staffer ever advised
her to be anything but. Congrats, Marie. It works, don't it?
This fix got its start last year, when the U.S. Forest Service
commissioned an overpriced safety study by a "safety expert"who
told federal officials the Tucson Rod & Gun's shooting range
at Sabino Canyon was unsafe.
In a subsequent lawsuit, the attorney for the Rod & Gun Club
showed the "expert"had no real qualifications and had
falsified his résumé when he applied for the job.
That same lawsuit revealed internal documents showing the U.S.
Forest Service had been planning to evict the shooters from their
longtime Sabino Canyon-area digs.
Nevertheless, Forest Service honcho John McGee stuck to his story
that the "temporary"closure was based on safety considerations--and
he used the flawed safety study to back up his decision.
This year, McGee delivered the coup de grace when he rejected
the idea of setting up a new site somewhere in the Coronado Nationla
Forest and instead offered to let the Gun Club stay at the present
--provided the group built an enclosed rifle range!
The local establishment media reported this proposal with a straight
face, and The Arizona Daily Star even endorsed it: A warehouse-style
building double the size of a football field at the entrance to
Sabino Canyon. Technically, however, the Forest Service had "substantially
complied" with the "process."
Congressman Jim Callboy, who pretended to give a damn about the
Gun Club while he was up for re-election, found out about the
Forest Service's cynical "deal" by reading it in the
paper, proving he's as big a potted plant as a Tucson city councilman.
This one has to score as the most brazen and ludicrous fix of
the year.
Previously described in these pages as an orgy of meddling and
micro managing, the June 9 meeting of the Tucson Unified School
District Governing Board was purposeful, choreographed chaos.
To conceal a number of fixes, the Board of Meddlers first sent
notices to all 200 TUSD administrators four days before the meeting,
stating that they faced transfer.
Next, Board President Joel Tracy Ireland's majority--Gloria Copeland
and Brenda Even--put Paul Hatch, an effective and popular assistant
principal at Tucson High School, on notice that he would be shipped
to Catalina High School. That alone caused upheaval. It also helped
divert attention from Ireland's deft move to "abstain"
and have all of his board buddies--Copeland, Even, Mary Belle
McCorkle and James Noel Christ--approve the hiring of his brother,
Jeff Ireland, as an assistant principal at Catalina.
This is a school Joel Ireland busted his butt to close five years
ago. He failed. Hatch's transfer was no mystery. He's needed to
make Jeff Ireland look good and to shore up the sorry administration
of Principal Linda Schloss, an accomplished TUSD game player.
And with Hatch out at Tucson High, Copeland could cause more problems
there for Principal Cecilia Mendoza.
The fixes didn't stop there. Former Sahuaro High Principal Joan
Richardson was handed the top TUSD human resources job. She'd
already served as acting director of human resources.
It got worse. Paul Felix, a teacher and longtime TUSD political
hack with close ties to Ireland and Christ, was installed as assistant
human resources director. Felix and his TUSD librarian wife are
veterans of TUSD political campaigns, including those of Ireland
and Christ. But then, Christ knows all about fixes. He gets paid
for being an English teacher at Sunnyside High School, working
for Superintendent Mary Garcia. And as a TUSD Board member, he's
the boss--sort of--of Garcia's husband, TUSD Superintendent George
Cozy, cozy cozy,
The new Downtown Business Improvement District (BID) managed to
get in at least two fixes for the price of one. Following a model
used during downtown revitalization in other communities, the
BID is designed to provide additional security, clean-up and marketing
services for downtown businesses. Its $600,000-plus annual budget
is funded through an additional tax on downtown properties, supplemented
with additional tax dollars from the City of Tucson.
Tucson's BID was spearheaded by Thom Laursen, a local attorney,
and Sheila King, a partner with PICOR Commercial Real Estate Services.
Laursen and King worked closely with Carol Carpenter, who was
employed as the "downtown development specialist" for
the City of Tucson's Department of Economic Security. Last March,
on a narrow 4-3 vote, the City Council dismissed the concerns
of some downtown business owners and created the BID.
The first matter of business was finding office space for the
BID--and, low and behold, in Fix No. 1, the BID decided to rent
space in a building managed by PICOR Commercial Real Estate Services,
at a monthly rate of $2,812. The offices also got a face-lift
at the BID's expense.
The second matter of business was choosing an executive director
for the BID--and that executive director turned out to be none
other than Carol Carpenter. (Curiously, at a meeting shortly before
the BID was approved, both Laursen and King had appeared baffled
by the thought that Carpenter would quit working for the City
of Tucson to take the BID job.) Carpenter saw her salary climb
from $41,390 at the city's Office of Economic Development to $65,000
as director of the BID. The BID Committee unanimously passed a
resolution declaring, in part, "the Corporation hereby determines
that no conflict of interest exists between Carol Carpenter and
the Corporation because of her position as a member of the Board
of Directors (or) her work for the City of Tucson in establishing
the (BID)."
No conflict--but a mighty nice fix.