
One Has Text, The Other Has Pictures-What More Could You Ask From Textbook Views Of The End Of The World?
By James DiGiovanna
Countdown to Apocalypse, by Paul Halpern (Plenum Publishing).
Cloth, $27.95.
The End Is Near, by Roger Manley, Adam Parfrey, and
(Dillettante Press). Large edition paperback, $34.95.
WHAT'S MORE FUN than the end of the world? Just imagine,
all the people gone and you can spend all your time at the mall,
like those girls in that Night of the Comet movie. Or maybe
you can live in a luxury, penthouse apartment and taunt the night-dwelling
mutants who roam the desiccated streets of the city, like Charlton
Heston in Omega Man. Wait, even better, you can have all
of Australia to yourself, like that chubby white guy in The
Quiet Earth. Free Foster's Lager and a desolate outback to
yourself, and it was even a good movie, to boot.
But there's always the two big questions: What's the best way
to end the world, and how are things going to look afterwards?
Two new books cover all your end-of-the-world questions, and
are nearly twice as entertaining as Waterworld. First off,
science writer Paul Halpern, who's as good at research as he is
bad at metaphors, brings us Countdown to Apocalypse, which
covers virtually every way the world can end (except for coup
d'état by intelligent apes, oddly). This is a great sourcebook
for hack science fiction writers and those who don't have enough
anxiety. Want to know what the odds are on a killer comet hitting
the earth? How about how it would differ from a meteoroid blast?
Which would be more fun? What happens after the enormous clouds
of deadly dust, tidal waves and firestorms clear up? Would either
of these really be a good way to wipe out all the damn liberals
and gun nuts on the coasts? Halpern fills you in.
Better yet, there's info on how we, ourselves, by continuing
to pollute and over-consume, can bring about the end of the world
without help from any cosmic events whatsoever. Want to know how
much the ozone level has depleted, and what its prognosis is?
Countdown tells you, and cites hard, scientific references
so that you can trounce one of those pollution-loving Rush Limbaugh
ignoramuses in an argument. There's nothing like pointing out
the work of Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius as you yell "in
your face" to some ill-informed, talk-radio fan.
What sets Halpern apart from other science writers, though, is
his grasp of history. Some of the more amusing chapters cite the
end-of-the-world scares that happened in Medieval Europe around
the time of the plagues. The stories of the religious reactions
to these events segue nicely into a look at more modern apocalyptic
movements like the Jehovah's Witnesses, the Branch Davidians and
the Heaven's Gate group. Halpern has a nice feel for the religious
and psychological motivations that tie together these disparate
Of course, whether you believe that God will cause it or not,
eventually, the world has to end; and after exhausting the possibilities
for premature apocalypse, Halpern gets on to the inevitable extinction
of the sun, which, lets face it, is pretty much last call at the
history bar. All of the popular scenarios for solar extinction
are laid out, and Halpern even looks at the possibility of escape,
which leads only to the death of the universe, after which there'll
be no chance of watching television or drinking malt liquor, and
thus culture is pretty much over.
Still, given all this depressing news, one wants more: the pictures.
That is, after all, what television (and, to a lesser extent,
malt liquor) have given us a taste for. We want imagery to go
with our verbiage, and Halpern's book only has a few diagrams
and satellite photos. For a real look at what's going on in the
mind of a God who would make a world with a built-in expiration
date, we have to check out the artwork of visionaries.
That's where The End Is Near comes in.
This assortment of established and outsider art is so full of
overwhelmingly complicated images that it will take more time
to soak up the pictures than to read the interesting and explanatory
text. Reproducing works from hipster artists, self-proclaimed
prophets and schizophrenic visionaries, The End Is Near
brings together the world of fine art and kitsch schlock in a
way that neither demeans nor hyperbolizes either side. These rich
images contain a massive amount of detail, and many of the artists
find it necessary to include text in their works, creating an
amalgam of high art and comic-book narrative. As the third millennium
approaches, you'll definitely want to study these meticulously
crafted paintings and drawings for clues to the new order in the
coming end times.
Space is given to such well-known and over-exploited icons as
Howard Finster and Joe Coleman, but the more interesting works
are the incredibly naïve drawing of space ships and explosions
made by outpatients and those who've only escaped the mental health
system by luck or chance. In his clumsily rendered acrylic paintings,
Stephen Powers asks, "Why is it that no blind person has
ever been abducted by aliens?" Good question, Steve! Arnold
Hendrickson's ballpoint-on-notebook-paper drawings look like the
work of a 10th-grade doodler who was allowed to spend his high
school and college years (as well as many years after that) pursuing
his real interest instead of being forced to learn biology and
political science. Then there's Grant Wallace, whose works on
paper contain the multilayered diagrams and charts that mark the
schizophrenic mind.
There's dozens more here, all gloriously reproduced on big, glossy
pages with a highly saturated printing process that brings out
the details in the fine work and the delicious cheesiness of the
Together, Countdown to Apocalypse and The End is Near
make perfect new year's reading as we prepare for the last days
of this millennium. And they can fill your need for something
to read while every damn radio station on earth plays the Prince
song over, and over, and over again.