Once Again A Plucky Amphi Football Team Is Crushed By The Overwhelming Forces Of The North.
By Tom Danehy
THE BANNER HANGING in the Amphi High School gym last Friday
told a sweetly sad tale. It read: "Tonight We're Gonna Party
Like It's 1979." Amazingly, it's been that long since a Tucson
team brought home a big-school state football championship, a
fact lamented in these parts, and used as a club by the dullards
in Phoenix to simultaneously puff up their own self-image while
looking down their noses (and the interstate) at the weaklings
in Tucson.
It really doesn't matter that the deck has long been stacked
in favor of the mega-schools in the East Valley with their enrollments
twice that of the average Tucson school. (This year, political
maneuvering led to Amphi being the only Tucson-area team in the
state playoffs.) All that matters is who wins, and a Tucson school
hasn't done it since Amphi turned the trick about a month after
Iran took those hostages at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran.
Well, Amphi didn't party like it was 1979. Instead, they shrugged
and dreamed of what might have been, like they had done in '91,
'93 and '96 when they lost in the semis, and 1990 when they lost
to Mesa in the state title game.
Defending state champion Mesa Mountain View scored two touchdowns
late in the game to overcome a 24-14 Amphi lead and win, 28-24.
It was a gut-wrenching loss for the Panther players, but one which
they should be able to cling to and appreciate as the distance
of time allows them to bask in the warm glow of accomplishment
which marked their collective trek to excellence.
Amphi shouldn't have been there in the finals. Ask anybody outside
of the Amphi community. They'll tell you the school's too small,
the players are too small. Amphi has defensive backs playing linebacker
and linebackers playing nose guard. They've got a quarterback
who should be out skateboarding and a basketball player going
both ways at tight end and linebacker.
Amphi started the season with 39 players and then lost a few
kids to injury. Coach Vern Friedli's not the type to bring kids
up from the junior varsity just so his sideline won't be lonely,
so they went into their championship match with only about half
as many players as their opponents. But twice as much heart, so
it all evened out.
THE MESA SCHOOLS came to dominate Arizona sports almost
by accident. First, somebody invented air conditioning, thereby
allowing the Valley of the Sun to attract people to its God-forsaken
smog pit. Then, the Mormons, thinking that the Great Salt Lake
wasn't desolate enough, decided to open a branch office in the
armpit of the universe, thus the Mesa Temple.
Now, before you Mormons get out the quills (no wait, those are
Amish), relax. This is just historical shorthand. Although I do
love a good Mormon hate letter--they're so neatly typed and polite--but
I have absolutely no beef here. I love Mormons.
Anyway, during the boom period of 1965-'85, they couldn't build
schools fast enough to keep up with the explosive population growth
in the East Valley. Then they discovered a not altogether unpleasant
side-effect of crowded schools: Their sports teams kicked butt.
Mostly through hard work, but the fact that they had a student
pool twice the size of everybody else's from which to choose their
athletes didn't hurt. Since then, the Mesa schools have stayed
large by choice.
Thankfully, there are no bookies' odds on high-school football
games in Arizona. (If there were, two ASU students would probably
try to figure a way to shave points.) A conservative estimate
of a possible line for last Friday's game would have had Mountain
View favored by 21 points or more. The Toros, winners of 27 straight,
were all a head taller and 35 pounds heavier, man-for-man, than
their Amphi counterparts. It should have been no contest.
And when Mountain View took an early 6-0 lead, it looked like
they would cruise. But then Amphi came back with one long, time-consuming,
yardage-eating drive after another. The Panthers led 10-6 at the
half and 24-14 early in the fourth quarter.
After the Toros charged back to make it 24-21 with about seven
minutes left, Amphi embarked on a drive which would determine
their season. On a fourth-down-and-one at their own 39, Friedli
decided to eschew the conventional wisdom which called for a punt
and instead go for the first down. It was a brilliant call, gutsy
and confident. Try to win, don't try not to lose.
It didn't work. Mountain View took over on downs and marched
in for a TD.
Even then Amphi didn't quit. A nail-biting final drive got the
ball into Toro territory, and the season came down to a fourth-and-five
with less than a minute to play. The Panthers lined up Antrel
Bates as a wide receiver split left and sent him on a fly pattern.
All eyes were on Bates until the Panther QB threw the pass to
the other side of the field, toward Brian Frison who was behind
his defender and heading for the winning TD. But the ball didn't
get there. It was slightly underthrown and intercepted.
The tears began flowing immediately thereafter.
I SAW FRIEDLI after the game and told him, "You know
the best thing about being a football coach down on the field?
You don't have to listen to the (idiots) up in the stands as they
second-guess the coach down on the field."
He just smiled and shrugged. His Panthers finished the season
13-1 and second in the big schools in Arizona. A brilliant job,
a bitter disappointment.
AFTER THE AMPHI game, I thought back to the end of the
movie, The Commitments. After the fledgling soul band had
come to the brink of stardom only to see their dreams dashed,
veteran trumpeter Joey "The Lips" Fagan tells a disconsolate
manager Jimmy Rabbit, "If we had (achieved success), it would
have been so predictable. This way it's poetry."
Yeah? Well poetry sucks.