Performances This Week
BUMBLE. Zenith Center of Transformative Arts. 330 S. Seventh
St. Tribal improvisationalist Bumble performs at 8 p.m. Friday,
December 12. Tickets are $4 at the door. Call 623-0913 for information.
COCHISE COLLEGE CHORUS. Northminster Presbyterian Church,
Tucson Boulevard and Fort Lowell Road. The Cochise College Chorus
performs A Concert of Glorias and Alleluias at 3 p.m. Saturday,
December 13. Admission is free.
DESERT VOICES. PCC Proscenium Theatre. 2202 W. Anklam Road.
Desert Voices, Tucson's Gay and Lesbian Chorus, performs One
December Night, an evening of music at 8 p.m. Saturday, December
13, and at 3 p.m. Sunday, December 14. Joining Desert Voices is
the Orts Theatre of Dance. Tickets are $12, $10 for seniors, students
and children. Tickets are available at Antigone Books, Tucson
Trunk and The Allergy and Vacuum Store. Call 791-9662.
Out Of Town
ARIZONA FOLKLORE PRESERVE. 44 Ramsey Canyon Road, Hereford.
1-520-378-6165. Visit the Arizona Folklore Preserve, and enjoy
Songs and Stories of Ramsey Canyon, the Huachuca Mountains
and Cochise County "Arizona's Official Balladeer,"
Dolan Ellis, at 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, December 13 and 14.
Seating is very limited and reservations are required. Call 1-520-378-6165
for reservations and information.
AUDITION ANNOUNCEMENT. Arizona Opera seeks male vocalists
for the chorus of Götterdämmerung, the final
chapter of the Wagnerian Ring Cycle. Auditions are from 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m. Saturday December 13 and 20; from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
and 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, December 17 and 18. Chorus
pays hourly for rehearsals and performances, as well as travel
and housing costs. Call Nicole Cox or Dean Ryan at 293-4336 to
schedule and audition.
MUSICIANS' NETWORK. The Tucson Musicians' Network next
quarterly directory will be released in the beginning of January.
In addition to listing and promoting musicians and bands, the
directory also includes studios, sound engineers, agents, music
stores, labels and producers. Submission deadline is December
15. Call Brent at 795-5476 for information; or email http://www.tucsonet.com.