Performances This Week
MEMORIAL SERIES. UA Holsclaw Recital Hall, south end of
the pedestrian underpass on Speedway east of Park Avenue. The
Roy A. Johnson Memorial Organ Concert Series continues with UA
associate professor Pamela Decker at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, November
30. Tickets are $10 general, $8 UA faculty/staff, and $5 for students
and seniors. Call the UA Fine Arts box office at 621-1162 for
tickets and information. Call MusiCal at 621-2998 for recorded
information on this and other UA concerts.
UNIVERSITY MUSIC. UA Holsclaw Recital Hall. Southeast corner
of Speedway and Park Avenue. The UA Faculty Recital series continues
with Mark Rush, violin; Nohema Fernández, harpsichord;
and Nancy Green, cello, at 8 p.m. Monday, December 1. Tickets
are $10 general; $8 UA faculty/staff; $5 students/senior citizens.
There is a free pre-show ConcertTalk at 7:15 p.m. in room 162
with Patrick Neher. Call 621-1162 for tickets and information.
Out Of Town
ARIZONA FOLKLORE PRESERVE. 44 Ramsey Canyon Road, Hereford.
1-520-378-6165. Visit the Arizona Folklore Preserve, and enjoy
a Thanksgiving Family Show by "Arizona's Official
Balladeer," Dolan Ellis, at 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, November
29 and 30. Seating is very limited and reservations are required.
Call 1-520-378-6165 for reservations and information.