Luis Gutierrez Reflects On His First Year As City Manager.
By Dave Devine
NOVEMBER 30 WILL mark Luis Gutierrez's first year as Tucson
City Manager. In a recent conversation, this Tucson native and
30-year city employee reflected on some of the major issues facing
our community:
Tucson Weekly: What do you remember about Tucson from
your childhood in the 1940s and '50s?
Luis Gutierrez: Obviously it was a much smaller town.
We walked to the movies on Congress Street to see John Wayne and
Randolph Scott at the Paramount. We also went to the State Theater
to watch Tarzan movies, the Lyric for more cowboy movies, and,
on occasion, we'd go to the Plaza Theater to see Spanish-Mexican
cultural films.
Downtown is really something I have a lot of affinity for, because
I walked it for many years and spent a lot of time there. I remember
El Charro restaurant on Broadway where my family would go to eat,
and the YMCA on Congress Street where I learned to swim. I was
born and grew up in a neighborhood that was within a mile of downtown,
and I now live south of Miles School. The quality of life in Tucson
is magical, but obviously not what it was in the early 1950s,
from the standpoint of traffic congestion, population and size.
TW: How would you characterize Tucson today?
LG: Larger, more metropolitan, and we have a lot of people
who've come here from other parts of the country and the world.
Its make-up is a lot different than it was in the late '40s and
early '50s. The lifestyle is still quite good, and it's a challenge
to all of us to maintain that. There are more people here, but
my affinity and love for the community hasn't changed. It's different,
but not negatively different. I think Tucson is a great community.
TW: Do you anticipate appointing a director of Tucson
Water, and, if so, what process will you follow to fill the position?
LG: Yes, we'll be looking for a director. The reason I
have not recommended moving forward with it up to now is that
when I became city manager I felt that I had a pretty good handle
on what some of the organizational and management problems were
in the utility, and was in a position to make some changes. In
order to do that, I thought the quickest and most efficient way
was to do it myself. That's why I've been working with (Deputy
City Manager) John Nachbar to essentially run the management of
the utility. I think we've done pretty well. There's obviously
a perception in the community that it's rudderless, that it doesn't
have a leader or know where it's going. But the fact of the matter
is we do know where we're going under policy direction of the
Mayor and Council.
We now have an excellent handle on what it takes to run the utility,
which we didn't have before. So I'd envision that in the very
near future, perhaps within the next six months, I'll be moving
forward with that appointment.
The exact nature of what that process will be I haven't decided
yet. As you know, I have a strong leaning toward hiring locally
and looking locally first. But in the case of water, I believe
we're probably going to have to be looking outside of Tucson to
get the very best person to be able to lead us into the future.
TW: Have specific numbers been developed for implementing
the City Council's decision concerning SunTran employee salaries?
LG: The numbers have not been developed. There's an ongoing
staff effort to look at wage issues, not just SunTran, but within
the whole city organization. It's part of an effort to look at
compensation issues across-the-board. I wouldn't expect to have
any recommendations to me from city staff until early 1998.
TW: With commitments to SunTran workers and the negative
impact on future city finances caused by the Casas Adobes incorporation,
how are city revenues holding up?
LG: We're growing at slightly above 4 percent per year
of our general recurring revenues. That means we have a net increase
in new dollars of somewhere between $12 and $13 million a year.
To put that in perspective, it takes close to $30 million a year
to move the city forward into the next fiscal year, given increased
costs, inflation and compensation considerations for city employees.
Even when our revenues are holding in a good trend, we're still
short of having enough to take care of the growing needs.
TW: To close that gap, are you considering asking the
Council to raise taxes?
LG: It's too early to say, but at this time it's my feeling
that unless the Mayor and Council wish to significantly increase
such things as resources for public transit, that probably we
will not need to substantially increase revenues. That's not to
say there won't be some recommended increases--because there always
Next week: Gutierrez talks about reducing poverty in Tucson,
once-a-week garbage service, and the future.