Watch Your Backs, AM And FM Radio Moguls.
By Frank Beacham
THIS YEAR MAY well be remembered as the time when the new
medium of Web radio got its act together.
Once again, it was the deep pockets of Microsoft that provided
the momentum. Last summer, the computer giant announced a licensing
agreement and minority investment in RealNetworks, the inventors
of the RealAudio and RealVideo streaming media technologies. Next
came word that Microsoft would purchase VXtreme, another key multimedia
player on the Internet. Then a flurry of other dominos began to
The Internet could soon have a single, universal broadcast multimedia
standard. Eventually, all a user will have to do is flip the computer
"dial" to the program of choice. The days of fumbling
with various proprietary players and plug-ins will soon be over.
"We believe the Internet will become the next broadcast
network," says Jim Durkin, product manager of Microsoft's
NetShow streaming technology.
But webcasting is so new and primitive that no one--including
the largest media corporations--really know yet how to use it.
For the moment, at least, broadcasting over the Internet is a
level playing field where anyone with the right stuff can still
be a successful participant.
Ironically, webcasters from the largest companies, in off-the-record
conversations, express the most frustration in creating successful
online media. One major executive complains that having to deal
with many egos promoting personal agendas on the web site is the
most difficult challenge in her organization.
"The lesson I learn over and over again: No matter how smart
we think we are, we're not. We are constantly surprised at what's
popular and what's not," says Patrick Seaman, chief technology
officer of AudioNet, a major webcaster that now re-transmits the
feeds of over 250 radio and television stations.
One of the things that surprises Seaman is the success of PoliceScanner.com,
an AudioNet web spinoff that combines live police scanner feeds
from New York City, Los Angeles and Dallas with online chat sessions.
Coming soon: Web audio feeds from airport and fire department
Many web sites offered by media companies fail because they are
unfocused, unclear and vague, several new media executives say.
"If you are going to take your web site out to a dinner
party, how would you introduce it?" asks Tom Regan, supervising
online editor for the Christian Science Monitor. "If
you can't summarize for someone what your web site is really about
in 25 words or less, then I don't think you know what your site
is about."
One successful new web enterprise combines radio drama (RealAudio),
visuals and the traditional text of a novel to create a new form
of interactive entertainment. Called "Digital Dramas,"
the series of multimedia stories about witchcraft is from Lifetime
Television (www.lifetimetv.com).
"Before we started Digital Dramas we were averaging two
million hits a month. In two weeks, it went up to seven million
hits," says Brian Donlan, vice-president of new media at
Lifetime Television. "The audience had to know it was getting
something extra, different, better."
Cable TV staple Comedy Central (www.comedycentral.com), has found
success by offering "absolutely nothing of practical use"
to its audience. "We know every single one of our (nine million)
customers," says Larry Lieberman, vice-president of strategic
planning for the cable channel. "They're goofing off. They're
at home avoiding chores or they're at work getting paid while
they goof off. We give them what they want."
To keep users on the site, Comedy Central uses a "breadcrumb"
approach to lure net surfers. "For every piece of content
we have a teaser to get you to the next piece of content,"
Lieberman says. "That's why we average about 12 minutes per
viewing session."
On the technology front, AudioNet's Seaman predicts that multicast--the
ability to reach large numbers of listeners simultaneously--will
become a very important factor within six months to a year. "Things
are changing very, very fast," he says. "We're negotiating
(multicast) agreements now. By the end of this quarter, we expect
to able to reach 250,000 simultaneous listeners. By the end of
the year, we'll reach at least 500,000 listeners via multicast."
Another fast-emerging technology for Internet broadcasting is
wireless transmission, Seaman says. "This is a tremendous
growth area because so much bandwidth has been freed up,"
he adds, noting that AudioNet is already in discussions with several
companies about offering such a service.
"I'm looking forward to the day when I can replace my car
radio and listen to AudioNet while driving," he says. "I
don't think that day is that far away."