The Move To Sell Taxpayers On A New Downtown Government Palace Encounters The Doldrums Of Disinterest.
By Dave Devine
THE ODDLY NAME for the Proposed 1998-2003 Basic City Services
Action Plan" was scheduled to meet last week to discuss City
Manager Luis Gutierrez's proposal to build a new City Hall next
to downtown's main library. But a quorum didn't show, so the meeting
was canceled.
Not quite what the City Council had in mind on August 17, when
they talked about the issue. At that time they decided to form
the committee and asked that it report back in 90 days and have
a final recommendation within 180. Mayor George Miller said that
he wanted "to involve many, many people in this community--as
many as want to get involved" in commenting on the proposal.
Miller thought two public meetings on the proposed new City Hall
should be held in each of the city's six wards before the issue
came back to the Council. Ward Six Councilman Fred Ronstadt suggested
that ward open houses, mall displays, the city's Channel 12 cable
TV propaganda arm, and other methods be used to publicize the
proposal. He wanted all citizens to have a chance to study the
matter and voice their opinions.
Since that August meeting, the 18-member committee has been appointed
to review Gutierrez's suggestion. According to the group's chair,
former city councilman Brent Davis, their role is to "verify
and validate the information provided by the City Manager and
to make a recommendation to the Council." Davis doubts the
committee will be unanimous in its position about whether to build
a new City Hall, where it should go, or the other issues before
So far the committee has met twice and established four subcommittees
to look at Tucson's supposed need for new facilities, and the
financing, architecture, and technology issues involved with that
possibility. Eventually it will need to coordinate its efforts
with several other city groups involved with downtown issues.
One decision the committee has made already, however, is to adopt
a timeline for completing its tasks. The group expects to return
to the City Council with a recommendation on December 14.
Originally three open houses were expected to be held before
then to allow for public comment. That isn't exactly the level
of citizen participation Miller and Ronstadt talked about in August.
But with the delay caused by the recently canceled meeting, even
three public meetings are unlikely to occur before the December
Meanwhile, the members of the Tucson Police Officers Association
are also encouraging the public to get involved with the process.
In large newspaper ads that cost almost $2,000, a few weeks ago,
the TPOA asked, "Do you want your money spent on PUBLIC SAFETY
The Association says City Manager Gutierrez claimed for months
that the municipal government didn't have enough money to pay
police officers more. But then he suddenly came up with $75 million
for new buildings. They believe the public might take a different
view on how that money should be spent.
The TPOA encouraged people to call the City Council's citizen-comment
line to express their opinions. In response to the ad, 37 people
did call, and by a six-to-one margin opposed the City Hall proposal.
One caller commented, "I agree that we do need a new City
Hall. A lot of money being put out to cover up things in the Police
Department that I think are a waste of money. The money would
be better used for City Hall." But most agreed with a caller
who said, "In regards to the $75 million for the new City
Hall, I'd like to see it spent for additional police officers,
paramedics, fire and for programs such as neighborhood patrol
programs. I don't believe we need a new City Hall."
But prioritizing community needs isn't an issue the newly formed
committee will be discussing, because the majority of the City
Council didn't think it appropriate. Besides, according to vice-chair
Kurt Cooper, "The choice between police (salaries) and a
new City Hall is a false dichotomy." He believes, despite
several published reports to the contrary, that funds for the
new building and the city's operational expenses would come out
of different budgets.
Cooper also wonders whether the revenue streams needed to pay
for a new building are stable enough to finance operational expenditures.
City Councilman Steve Leal has an opposing question. He asks
if the city can afford to take $7 to $8 million a year out of
its operational budget for the next two decades to pay for a new
City Hall.
Leal believes that beginning next year, police officers and fire
fighters may get higher raises than other city employees. He also
sees a slowdown in the national and state economies within a few
years. Combined with the city's vulnerability to sales tax fluctuations,
a down-turn could trigger a serious financial dilemma, forcing
employee lay-offs and make cuts in services.
That, he says, is all the more reason to be prudent now. He suggests
the city pursue buying an existing downtown building, like the
Bank of America tower. In Leal's opinion, not only could the current
tenants of the building help finance some of the mortgage through
their rent payments, but the open space next to the library would
be saved.
Meanwhile, the Citizens Oversight Committee for the Proposed
1998-2003 Basic City Services Action Plan is scheduled to meet
on November 12. Maybe this time, the members will actually show