Reject The Disturbing 'Meet And Confer' Initiative
By Dave Devine
LIKE A BRIGHTLY wrapped gift under the Christmas tree,
Proposition 200 on the city ballot looks very inviting. Entitled
"Meet and Confer," it's the brainchild of the Tucson
Police Officers Association, the labor union representing city
cops. According to this group, the initiative offers "Tucson
taxpayers two important new rights; the right to vote on tax increases
before the increase can take effect, and the right to meet with
city officials and demand effective measures to fight crime."
But in truth, the initiative doesn't do either of these things.
The City Council will still have the power to pass tax increases
without voter approval; and the public has always been able to
push for more public safety efforts. Instead, the initiative is
an attempt to increase police officers' salaries while politicizing
the city's work force. In addition, it could result in removing
public oversight of police actions.
Tucson cops ought to make more money. A 1994 survey of various
Arizona public safety agencies showed Tucson officers' pay was
ranked 14th out of 18 for average salary, behind Casa Grande,
Flagstaff and Yuma. The next year's results revealed the average
Tucson police recruit's pay was the 11th lowest of the surveyed
agencies, lower than both the Pima County Sheriff's Department
and Arizona State University.
If passed, the "Meet and Confer" initiative would revise
how police officers'--and all other city employees'--salaries
are determined. With the current system, the city staff recommends
salary levels, and the City Council takes action. There's also
a procedure for appeals before the Council makes a final decision.
Under the initiative, labor unions representatives would face
city management in meetings open to the public. If they can't
agree on pay levels, a mediator may be employed. If a solution
still isn't reached, a "fact finder" could be brought
in. If there were still disagreement, the issue would be sent
to the voters for a decision.
Earlier this year, the City Council turned down a request to
raise police officers' salaries by 6 percent more than the across-the-board
increase given to all city employees. Had the "Meet and Confer"
initiative been in place, that request could have eventually ended
up on the ballot. (The $500,000 or so it would cost to hold that
special election might be one of the negotiating points in the
salary-setting process.)
The procedure of having the voters be the ultimate decision-makers
about salaries for city employees has been in place for years
in some Texas communities. Benny Davis, Galveston's personnel
director, says the process has changed the way negotiations are
conducted there. Both sides, he indicated, have to think harder
about their positions and be more serious before declaring their
opening offers. Only once in the mid-1980s did Galveston voters
finally decide the issue.
According to private attorney Jim McNutt, El Paso's chief negotiator,
that city has had a similar process in place for about a dozen
years. He agrees the required procedures changed the negotiation
process. "It caused both sides to focus on the big issues,"
he said. "It makes the parties work harder during the mediation
phase." El Paso voters decided the issue only once, 10 years
ago. According to McNutt, the police officers' position was "soundly
Former Tucson Mayor Tom Volgy sees serious problems with the
initiative. One is the City Council's loss of decision-making
power. "People are elected to do some things," Volgy
says, and setting city-employee salaries is one of those. If the
"Meet and Confer" trend continues, he wonders, "Will
we end up doing everything by initiative?"
In addition to establishing a new salary-setting procedure, Proposition
200 also permits active political participation by city employees,
which is specifically prohibited now. Employees can vote in city
elections, but they can't financially contribute to City Council
campaigns or solicit funds from others.
Volgy says the initiative proposal reverses reforms which were
put in place to protect government employees from overt political
pressure. Incumbents could threaten to withhold promotions or
even to eliminate the jobs of government employees who didn't
assist with re-election campaigns. "To go back to that system,"
Volgy said, "would be pretty dangerous."
Another potential downside to politicizing the city workforce
could produce the opposite result: Candidates for the City Council
may become beholden to city employees and labor unions who help
get them elected. Just look at the Tucson Unified School District,
where employees decide who their elected bosses will be by funding
and working campaigns.
Passage of the initiative would also throw into question the
ability to have public oversight of police actions. The initiative
states, "Civilian review of police disciplinary matters is
a mandatory subject" for negotiations between police officers
and city officials. Could that mean if the city government forbids
public involvement in reviewing police actions, the cops might
ask for less of a pay increase?
That provision alone is enough to oppose this initiative. The
public must have the right to review police actions. If we don't,
we'll have two sets of standards, one for citizens, the other
for cops.
While Tucson police officers deserve a pay raise, the "Meet
and Confer" initiative goes too far in politicizing the city
work force while potentially prohibiting public oversight of police
conduct. "Meet and Confer" might have been acceptable,
"Politicize and Hide" is not.