Coin Toss on Prop 202
SHOULD VOTERS PASS Prop 202, establishing a $7-an-hour
minimum wage in Tucson, the courts will no doubt dump it, since
the Arizona Legislature recently passed a law preventing cities
from passing minimum wages higher than the federal level.
That's just as well--this kind economic illiteracy wrapped in
feel-good language shouldn't be enacted. The supporters of the
measure, the People's Congress for Social and Economic Justice,
apparently believe all employers are raking in the dough and everybody
has the same profit margin as big fast-food corporations, which
is silly. A $7-an-hour minimum wage would drive many small businesses
under and probably cause plenty of job losses among people currently
making more than the current $5.15.
And we're disgusted by the arrogance of the proponents, who argue
these are marginal businesses whose crash won't make a difference.
But while we can't support the minimum-wage initiative, the stupidity
and arrogance of the members of the business community opposing
the measure cause us to draw up short of urging a no vote. The
dumb bastards have announced they've raised more than $60,000
to blast the proposition on TV, which will only annoy voters and
give people who see the law as a way to improve their status a
reminder to vote. And it raises a simple question--if you can
afford all that TV, why can't you afford to pay your employees
Since this measure is doomed in the courts, your vote will only
send a message. So decide which group of arrogant ignoramuses
you want to offend with it. Your choice on Prop 202.