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Grounds For AngerTo the Editor, As an avid reader and patron of your advertisers, I was looking forward greatly to the "Best of Tucson" (September 17), particularly when it came to my attention that you were honoring the Safehouse Coffee House. You can imagine my shock and dismay when the issue came out and Safehouse was listed as a "teen" hangout. I can assure you that I am not a teenager, nor are there teenagers conspicuously patronizing this business, except for teenagers who have reached the age of majority, but by virtue of an arbitrary chronology still fall into that category.
I'll grant the decor is unusual. However, I have a great fondness for the eclectic style that vaguely recalls my youth and appeals to my sense of juxtaposition. The style simply reflects the whimsical nature of the owners and in my opinion is a send-up of the pop culture we live in. What I love best about Safehouse is that all are welcome there. On any given night you will find people in there ranging in age and lifestyle from the 40-year-old boomers to 18-year-old goths, and all feel at home. Combine that with the fine selection of coffee, teas, pastries and cigarettes and I can't think of a more pleasant place to while away a few hours playing pool or a game of chess. Quite frankly I do not understand why your staff would choose the Velvet Tea Garden as the best new coffee house, when they are also serving liquor and from my observation it is from liquor sales that they derive the lion's share of their profits. When this is considered along with the fact that experienced coffee drinkers with educated palates agree that Safehouse makes the finest espresso to be found in the city of Tucson, I am left to wonder what possible purpose there could be in defining Safehouse as a place for children. In closing, I would like to say that although I have found your paper to be a reliable community resource, in the light of this decision by your staff, I will be looking at your paper a little more closely in the future and a little less likely to accept the slant of the reporting therein. --Miranda J. Criger Safehouse Coffee House
Ragin' CajunTo the Editor: While I am thrilled that Nonie has been chosen Best New Restaurant in the "Best of Tucson" (September 17), I must correct a bit of misinformation that appeared in the write-up. My grandmother, Nonie, was French-Creole from New Orleans. Some of her recipes are featured on our menu. Kathie Romero is 100 percent Cajun from New Iberia, Louisiana. Some of her family recipes are also featured on the menu at Nonie. It is Kathie's excellent recipe for bread pudding that was lauded in the article. She deserves all the credit for this fabulous dessert. --Christopher Leonard Nonie New Orleans Bistro
Not Enough SexTo the Editor,
Who got to you, the religious fanatics or the radical feminists? Or both? On a (somewhat) related note, I can't help but notice that ever since you received a couple of complaining letters from a couple of prudes, bitching about a mildly erotic nude study and a slightly titillating shot of a table dance, your Aperture photo feature has had nothing but oh-so-cute kids and animals. Bring back the sex and sleaze! --Mike Adkins
Promising WorkTo the Editor, As a Washington, D.C., expatriate, where someone is protesting something just about any hour of the day, I don't think I've read a review of an event and consequent counter-demonstration quite like James DiGiovanna's article on the Promise Keepers ("Promises, Promises," September 24). It was a great read, but it leaves one question unanswered: Does it have a beat, and can you dance to it? (Okay, I guess that was two questions.) Oh, and in regards to Mark Jacobs' tedious grammar-rant in your Mailbag section: I think someone is posting on Usenet--better run! --Jenn Huff
Fischer ExpeditionTo the Editor, I suppose I should be flattered that The Tucson Weekly has turned its attention to me. After all, I've been operating Capitol Media Services and writing for papers around the state now for nearly six years. But I must admit some confusion over the charge that somehow I've been sucked into the Jane Hull cheering section for my story about the campaign (The Skinny, September 24). The story, for your readers who didn't see it, concerned Hull and Johnson both taking a pledge to wage clean campaigns, including not making charges they can't prove and taking responsibility for the actions of their staff. It was Mike Hull who leveled the complaint that Paul Johnson was the one who pointed out to the Tribune that his mother had taken $20,000 in campaign contributions from Nevada gaming interests, a fact, as you point out, that was available in the public records. My story was based on the fact that the younger Hull admitted, freely, he had absolutely no evidence of the truth of his statement--and that his mother, only moments after agreeing to abide by the clean campaign rules, did her shuckin' and jivin' routine about not disavowing the unsubstantiated public charges made by her kid. That, to me was the story: Hull, mere et fils, couldn't even keep a clean campaign promise for more than a couple of minutes. The underlying question of whether Hull should have taken the Nevada gaming money I will leave to those in my profession who are paid to opine. --Howie Fischer We Want Letters! Thrilled by our brilliant insights? Sick of our mean-spirited attacks? Need to make something perfectly clear? Write: tucsonweekly@tucsonweekly.com
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