The Big Bucks Line Up Behind District 4 Incumbent Ray Carroll.
By Chris Limberis
RAY CARROLL, THE appointed incumbent in Supervisors' District
4, uttered the money challenge at a Neighborhood Coalition of
Greater Tucson meeting in late May: One dollar per voter.
Not literally $1 from each voter. But spending capped to match
the 96,338 voters in District 4, which covers much of Tucson's
eastside as well as the Green, Rincon and Tanque Verde valleys.
"I plan on doing a campaign that reflects my philosophy
of a voice for each voter, and $1 a voter seems pretty fair to
me," Carroll said at the May 28 Neighborhood Coalition get-together.
Three days later, and just about a year after taking office,
the Carroll camp had pumped $57,176 from supporters, according
to campaign finance reports filed with the county Division of
Elections. Carroll is almost 60 percent of the way there in the
seek-and-find-and-spend money game before his September 8 special
Republican primary tussle with challengers Brenda Even and Ken
If accepted by all, the limit would guarantee the lowest level
of maximum money in District 4 since Conrad Joyner won re-election
in 1980.
But neither Even nor Marcus really bit at Carroll's money-limit
challenge. Both more or less lamented the high cost of campaigns.
Even broke into her standard, and tired, "we-could-certainly-look-at-that,''
refrain. She also said, "We certainly have taken more than
$1, as I'm sure each of their (campaigns) have as well."
In fact, Even has a long way to go. She reported raising only
$15,736 for the five-month period that ended May 31, to boost
her overall fundraising to $28,190.
Marcus reported total contributions of $6,924.
Moreover, Carroll has spent only $12,338, leaving him with $44,838
compared to Even's $11,539.
Carroll's connections appear to have come in handy. His wife,
Ann Touche, and her family have been key in getting money from
their circle, including their Tucson Country Club neighbors.
Included in Carroll's country-club bucks is $200 from two-term
District 4 Supervisor Reg Morrison.
Packaged as a green Republican last year in order to get necessary
support from Democratic Supervisor Raul Grijalva, Carroll's fundraising
shows ambiguity, if not contradiction.
Taking a page out of the Grijalva playbook, Carroll declined
checks from Fairfield Development executives who are proposing
a master-planned community on Canoa Ranch south of Green Valley.
But he took $300 from Joe Cesare, a longtime developer who is
advising the Canoa owners.
And Carroll ran with the $725 provided by the family of Neal
Simonson, a creator of Green Valley.
The Greens, Carroll has found out, are either too tight or don't
have the kind of bank District 4 Republicans need. Gayle Hartmann,
an environmentalist who was a key supporter of Carroll's appointment
last year, gave $30. Rich Genser, the wealthy real-estate investor
and apartment owner who is another environmentalist Carroll backer,
gave him $300.
Carroll has built his treasury with contributions from builders,
real-estate investors, brokers and speculators, as well as from
business and professional people.
Some of the big names: real-estate pioneer Roy Drachman; tract-home
builder William Estes; executives and owners of the commercial,
industrial and road builders Sundt and Ashton; car dealers R.B.
"Buck" O'Rielly, Steve Christy and Randall Fisher; veteran
land-use lawyer and speculator Robert Stubbs; real-estate investor
Humberto Lopez; and US Home President Steve Craddock.
Carroll also seems to have won a battle with Even for money from
Grubb & Ellis, the commercial real-estate brokerage where
Carroll worked before joining the Board of Supervisors. Even's
son, James, also once worked at Grubb & Ellis. Carroll collected
$1,020 from four Grubb & Ellis agents. Even reported none
for the period, although she incorrectly listed agent Stephen
Cohen's affiliation as being with Grubb & Ellis. Cohen, who
is with Picor, gave Even $50 and Carroll $200.
Two former county transportation directors, Jerry Jones and Frank
Castro, both engineers with DJA Engineering, gave Carroll maximum
contributions of $300 each. Castro's wife, Joni, a former aide
in the County Manager's Office, also gave Carroll $300.
Other notables on the Carroll money list include pro-environmental
lawyer Bill Risner ($100), Dr. Ed Updegraf, the retired urologist
and top amateur golfer; and Dr. Burt Strug, Olympic gymnast Keri
Strug's dad ($50).
Carroll had to return a $300 contribution from Richard Small,
one of his office assistants, because of the county's six-year-old
prohibition against county candidates taking contributions from
county employees. He also paid Small $1,673 for campaign work
and paid campaign manager Ann Holden, an unsuccessful candidate
for the City Council as well as the Board of Supervisors, $1,839.
EVEN'S FIGURES WERE surprising--only $15,736 for the five-month
period. Her $28,190 total was much lower than most observers had
expected. Even began running as soon as she failed to be chosen
to succeed her husband.
There isn't a whole lot of panic--yet. Even, loaded with real-estate
investments as well as other partnerships and trusts, could simply
dump in the necessary cash, as did Morrison and his thought-to-be
chief rival Lee Davis.
Such a move would be risky, however, because it would lift contribution
limits for Carroll and Marcus.
Even spent all but $1,939 of the money she raised in the period.
According to her finance report, she had a discrepancy in leftover
funds: $13,304 as of the close of the period, but only $11,539
for the campaign to date. Normally those figures match.
With car dealer/banker Jim Click, Jr. on Even's bandwagon, she's
expected to raise much more through the next period that ends
August 19, just 20 days before the September 8 primary. Click
and his wife have already maxed out with Even, giving her $300
apiece on Halloween last year.
Click sought an infusion for Even the day her five-month report
was filed. And he invoked John Even's name, although the candidate
has testily admonished Carroll and others to not mention her late
husband for the remainder of the campaign.
"Graciously you made a donation to John Even's campaign
for Supervisor District Four ...," Click wrote in a letter
to John Even's contributors. "Thank you, again, for that
support. Consequently, I'm writing to ask you to match that gift
for Brenda and her race for the same office.''
Brenda Even wasn't the only one hitting up John's former contributors--Carroll
responded with a letter to the same group, signed by Lew Murphy,
the Republican mayor of Tucson from 1971 to 1987.
Click's parents each gave Even $300, as did California car dealer
Bob Tuttle. And the Davies family, operators of Mount Lemmon's
Ski Valley, gave four contributions totaling $1,000.
Developer David Mehl, creator of La Paloma Resort, and his wife
each gave $300.
Joan Richardson, a former principal at Sahuaro High School who
won a controversial appointment to be TUSD human resource director
last month, gave Even $200. Richardson made the contribution on
April 8, two months before she was elevated from interim director
by a 3-0 vote. Even and her close ally on the TUSD Governing Board,
Gloria Copeland, joined Joel Ireland in approving the Richardson
appointment. Rather than dissenting, the Board's two other members
abstained for unknown reasons.
Janie Fernández, a fundraiser who is married to TUSD Board
candidate Celestino Fernández, gave $100. Celestino Fernández
bailed on his struggling University of Arizona offshoot, Arizona
International Campus, earlier this year.
Even also collected another $100 from Robert Jensen, chancellor
of Pima Community College, where John Even served as a board member
before his election to the Board of Supervisors. Jensen's latest
installment lifts him to the maximum $300 for Even.
Frank Newell, publisher of the Green Valley News and Sun
in the politically critical District 4 retirement community, gave
Even $100. Newell will be surprised to learn that Even's campaign
finance people demoted him, listing him as the paper's managing
editor, a position held by Kathleen Engle.
Even has spent $1,415 with the Green Valley News for advertising
that will show her through September 4, according to her disclosure.
Even also paid Jim Click Ford $175 for office usage. And she reported
$2,310 in payments to veteran political consultant Alexis Thompson,
including $310 for work on nominating petitions, which like Carroll's
had to be redone because they failed to list the term's expiration
Tight with her own dollar, Even also had her donors pay for her
Emerald Ball contribution of $75; her $100 contribution to the
American-Israel Friendship League 50th Anniversary; her $100 contribution
to Chicanos por la Causa; as well as $45 for a couple of forums.
MARCUS COLLECTED $5,751 for the period to go with the $492 he
had on hand. He reported spending $3,506, leaving him with $2,736.
The Beaudry bunch--car and RV dealers--kept Marcus afloat with
$3,000. Six members of the Beaudry family gave Marcus maximum
$300 contributions. Included in that was a February 17 check from
Beaudry Motors CEO Lee Beaudry, who died in March.
Lee's son, Bob Beaudry, the anti-CAP water activist, helped Marcus
with his $300, as well as maximum contributions from his wife
and children.
Beaudry executives Randall Fisher and Robert Burden, and Burden's
wife, also maxed out for Marcus.
Genser also was among Marcus's $300 contributors. Government
watchdog Mary Schuh, president of the Pima Association of Taxpayers,
gave Marcus $100. On the other side, Marcus took $100 from Philip
Aries, a member of a real-estate speculating family that has had
various projects fly and fail in the Tucson area.
Of the $3,430 Marcus ran through during the five-month period,
$1,200 went to his campaign manager Scott Kirtley, who lost a
1996 bid for a House seat in District 13.