Heightened Tension Along The Arizona-Sonora Line.
By Jeff Smith
THE BEGINNING OF this month another cowperson from my neck
of the woods had to drag iron on a gang of desperadoes from the
land of Pancho Villa. That makes five such dust-ups along the
Mexican border in Santa Cruz and Cochise counties since New Year's
Eve. Five that have made the papers. Six, if you count the Mexican
burglar who stole a pistol, pointed it at a Border Patrol agent,
and went "click."
Something's in the wind and it leaves a faint stench in the nostrils.
The most recent incident involves a couple with a horse ranch
southeast of Sierra Vista. Jeff Wittaker was working in his barn
when his wife noticed a group of four approaching their training
arena. She called to Jeff, he appeared, and the group, who proved
to be mojados, turned tail and ran. Wittaker hollered "Alto!"
and fired a warning shot in the air. They kept hot-footing it.
One more round in the air from his revolver and they decided to
stop and catch their wind.
(Quick Spanish primer: mojado is border slang for "undocumented
worker." Literally translated it means wet. "Alto"
is textbook Spanish for "Stop!")
The four illegals, three men and a woman, told authorities ranging
from Cochise County sheriff's deputies to the Mexican consular
staff in Douglas that Wittaker never aimed his pistola
at them and that they never felt threatened or intimidated. Apparently
stopping for breath and waiting for La Migra to give them
a free ride back across the line just seemed like a good idea
at the time. La Migra, by the way, is Spanish for "the
Immigration," i.e. the Border Patrol. Incidentally, there
will be 47 more of La Migra assigned to the Douglas sector
of the border by the time you read this.
Southern Arizona is taking on a look reminiscent of Berlin before
I groused about this in a column not long ago, but, mirabile
dictu (Latin this time, meaning essentially, "marvelous
to relate...") my sweetly reasoned prose did not make the
problem go away. The feds announced the reinforcements for the
Border Patrol in Douglas, the chairman of the U.S. Senate Appropriations
Committee flew over the border, then landed in Douglas with a
contingent of local politicos to deliver some bombast to the effect
that U.S. citizens are not, by God, going to live in a no-man's
land of drug-smugglers, burglars and illegal aliens, and that
all it will take is money to solve the problem, which, by the
way, is Bill Clinton's fault.
Yay, went the crowd; and Sen. Ted Stevens, a Republican from
Alaska, got back on his plane and got the hell out of there.
But not before expressing his disdain for the Mexican government
for allowing Mexican people and products to enter the U.S. without
the necessary paperwork. Clearly Sen. Stevens was getting his
dudgeon over illegal drugs and illegal aliens muddled. The week
before the incident with Wittaker and the party of four at his
equine facility, federal drug enforcement agents had uncovered
another in a string of transborder tunnels, apparently used to
snake drugs from Mexico into the U.S. This one was right next
to the border crossing in Naco, west of Douglas and south of Bisbee.
Similar tunnels have been unearthed in Douglas and Nogales.
Drug-running, transborder burglary, and the flood of desperate
illegal aliens seeking a better life and higher wages in the U.S.
are separate issues, but politics has made bedfellows out of stranger
trios. And bureaucracies love to let politicians run interference
for them at budget time. Neither Bill Clinton nor his Republican
tormentors want to appear soft on border crime, illicit drugs
or illegal immigration. Our sieve of a southern border makes a
perfect place to put on a great show, spend a lot of money, keep
several bureaucracies happy by expanding their empires...and then
blame the Mexican government when it all, inevitably, fails.
As a consequence, an atmosphere of palpably heightened tension
has set in along the Arizona-Sonora line.
And being human, the locals are responding to it.
BEFORE JEFF Wittaker fired his shots in the air, Roger
Barnett caught a group of 27 illegals cutting fence on his ranch
east of Douglas. Barnett was armed, but according to authorities
did not have to use his firearm to detain the 27 until the Border
Patrol arrived to arrest and deport them. Two weeks later, Barnett's
brother, Brent, had a similar run-in with 30 illegals. Same scenario;
same outcome.
But the most notorious recent incident involved Patagonia-area
resident Jerry Chap. One night in early January, Chap and his
wife were alerted by alarms that someone was opening their front
gate. Chap saw a group of men and fired at them, striking one
in the forearm. Chap, who is in a wheelchair and lives in a remote
area, has a colorful history of disagreements with county officialdom.
Now his personal history is even more clouded.
He is charged with aggravated assault and criminal endangerment
in connection with the incident. Civil lawsuit following Chap's
criminal trial, scheduled for July, seems inevitable. This incident
could prove costly in more ways than several.
I have lived near the border off and on for 15 years. I've had
Mexicans show up at my house in the dark of night more than once.
I've never had a bit of trouble, have fed, clothed and housed
my illegal guests, and bid them adieu (French for adios) next
morning. My friends and neighbors report similar experiences.
But lately the atmosphere has shifted, and I think the increased
presence of armed, uniformed government agents, of ugly steel
fences down the middle of Nogales, of high-intensity lights glaring
into the night sky in border cities, of constantly-manned checkpoints
along state highways, all have contributed to a feeling of unease
on both sides of the border, both sides of the issue.
Roger Abbey, a ranch hand for Roger Barnett, who detained the
27 illegals on his ranch, has been working ranches and construction
crews around here since 1953. He said he has noticed a difference
in the attitude of the illegals in the decades since he first
came here from the Midwest.
"They're more belligerent," he said. "They act
like they've got a right to be here."
Familiarity is said to breed contempt, and a big percentage of
illegal entrants are all too familiar with the revolving-door
routine of crossing the line looking for day work, getting busted
by the law or by the locals, riding a prison bus back to Mexico,
and repeating the drill again. And again. These are your casual,
cool, sometimes rude minority. Most locals living north of the
line know most mojados as inoffensive, frightened, harmless
and hard-working.
Santa Cruz County Attorney Martha Chase told me that despite
a dramatic recent increase in illegal alien traffic, the stats
for illegals committing crimes on this side of the border are
down. What is on the rise, Chase says, is Mexican criminals preying
on the huddled masses who come to the border yearning to breathe...smog.
In L.A., Phoenix, Seattle, wherever there's work.
Roger Abbey customarily goes heeled when he goes about his daily
ranch chores. So does his boss, and so do many who live in remote
rural areas.
"We don't carry guns to shoot Mexicans," Abbey said.
"But we'd be nuts not to have one handy. We use 'em on snakes."
For all of the illegal traffic in humanity through his boss'
ranch, and for all the publicity it has generated, Abbey seems
unruffled. He regards it as an annoyance, but an understandable
"Usually all they want is something to drink, maybe something
to eat, and to get along and find work somewhere, I guess. I don't
know exactly: I don't speak Mexican. My only trouble is they tear
down my fences and that makes more work for me. I got 35 miles
of fence and I don't need no more work."
Abbey said Roger Barnett is out of the country on vacation. Brother
Brent works up in Morenci, he said. Abbey told me a pretty good
story about Brent's arrest of the mob of 30.
"He was here helping his brother out and noticed the fence
was down in this one spot," Abbey said. "So he drove
on over there, and as soon as he stopped, them Mexicans come out
of the weeds and piled in the back of his truck. They thought
he was their ride north."
Abbey laughed. Once Brent figured out what was up, he told the
Mexicans to sit tight, and went and phoned the law.
I guess if you're using the right bait, the fish just jump in
your boat.
How come we don't read about stuff like this in the dailies?