
Folk artist Tom Russell brings his family saga to Tucson.
By Gregory McNamee
TRACING FAMILY HISTORY, genealogists will tell you, is
an inexact science. It's not so much for lack of data: the world
is afloat, after all, in birth and death certificates, deeds,
snapshots, home movies. The challenge in uncovering one's roots
is more often to separate fact from folklore, to cut through family
politics, whitewashing (see Robert Altman's new film Cookie's
Fortune for a case in point) and wishful thinking to find out
what skeletons really lurk in Grandpa's closet.
Singer-songwriter Tom Russell takes on his family history--folklore,
skeletons and all--in his latest album, The Man from God Knows
Where (Hightone Records). Its title, he says, comes from a
chance meeting in a pub in Downpatrick, Ireland, where an old
man asked Russell if he were the namesake of a former local resident.
When Russell said yes, the old man said, "They hung your
namesake, Thomas Russell, right across the road in 1798, during
the United Irish Rebellion. There's a poem about him called 'The
Man from God Knows Where.' "
As Russell relates in the liner notes, he promptly bought the
old man a pint and stole the title of the poem.
That title came far easier than did the rest of the folk- and
country-tinged album, which Russell says took him more than eight
years to write: "It started as a rambling American portrait;
a kind of sprawling account of our history from the immigrants
to the Old West and on down to now. But then the songs seemed
always to come back to my ancestors, my people, whose stories
I was interested in telling. It's still a complete American story,
I think, even if it is pretty personal."
Russell delivers that story in the form of what might be called
a folk opera--Russell calls it "a mix of cowboy music and
Broadway"--sung by many voices. On the disc, those voices
include Iris DeMent, Dolores Keane, Sondre Bratland, Kari Bremnes
and Dave Van Ronk, the last a man who, nearly 40 years ago, taught
young Bob Dylan a thing or two about folk music. (Walt Whitman
makes an appearance, too, thanks to a scratchy old Victrola recording
that Russell unearthed in his travels.)
The characters in The Man from God Knows Where are escapees
from Ireland and Scandinavia, uprooted from their native countries
and cast away onto a distinctly unfriendly shore, where they pine
for the lands that made them refugees while carving out a patch
of turf for themselves.
"When I got the idea for the family story," Russell
says, "I thought my label, Hightone Records, might not be
too interested. About that time I ran into a Norwegian producer,
Erik Hillestad. When I told him about it he told me to come over
and record it. So we went to Norway and worked with some wonderful
Scandinavian musicians, like Annbjorg Lien, who plays this lovely
fiddle music--she plays on the new Chieftains album, too. We recorded
the whole thing in about two weeks in this big old farmhouse out
in the woods. I kept looking out the window at these fjords and
waterfalls, and I think that some of the spirit of the place comes
out in the music."
As it turns out, Russell adds, Hightone was interested. The label
is distributing the album in North America, while Hillestad's
KKV Records is distributing it in the rest of the world, and to
evident success--several of the songs are earning heavy airplay
in Ireland and elsewhere in Europe.
Russell counts getting Dave Van Ronk to appear on The Man
from God Knows Where as a success in itself. While not exactly
a recluse, Van Ronk rarely leaves Greenwich Village, his headquarters
for more than half a century. "When I was writing the album,"
Russell says, "I thought I'd try to get Tom Waits or Shane
McGowan [formerly of the Pogues] to sing the part"--the part
in question being that of a figure who's part salesman, part carnival
barker and part voice of conscience, who comments ironically on
Indian massacres, swindles, land grabs and other milestones of
American history. ("Your promised land," Van Ronk chortles,
"was settled by bastards, drunks and thieves"; and inhabited,
as Russell adds in a later song, by dreamers who swam across suburban
seas of alcohol on the trail of big and elusive dreams.) "Then
I met Dave when we were working on Nanci Griffith's Other Voices
II album, and I figured I'd ask him. I thought he'd turn me
down, but he said yes. He wouldn't come to Norway, so he recorded
his part in New York, and we patched it on over there."
Andrew Hardin, a nimble guitarist and longtime collaborator of
Russell's, will accompany him at the Tucson show. "We did
30 cities together in April and May," Russell says, "and
we're ready for a break after Tucson. But then we're going to
try to bring the whole cast over from Norway and Ireland and everywhere
else. We'll do that at Wolf Trap, outside Washington, and tape
the whole thing for PBS."
The first set, Russell says, will be made up of songs from The
Man from God Knows Where. In the second set, he and Hardin
will perform some of Russell's standards, among them favorites
like "Blue Wing," "Haley's Comet," "Box
of Visions" and "Gallo del Cielo."
Border Beat, the Border Arts Journal presents Tom Russell
and Andrew Hardin in concert at 8 p.m. Friday, June 25,
in the Temple of Music and Art Cabaret Theatre, 330 S. Scott Ave.
General admission tickets are $15, available at Hear's Music (795-4494).
For more information, call Border Beat at 321-0928.