POETIC TRIO: Poets Joel Kuszai, Bill Marsh and Steve Carll
share the lyrical limelight on Saturday, May 29, in a presentation
hosted by POG, Chax Press and the UA Extended University.
Kuszai is a Michigan native schooled at Reed and SUNY-Buffalo,
and now the editor of Meow Press, a small press publisher that's
produced 60 chapbooks since 1991. He's currently rewriting The
Wizard of Oz "with some help from Marx and others."
Carll is a bi-coastal talent reared in New York and educated
in San Francisco. He currently lives in Honolulu, where he edits
the journal Antenym. His chapbooks include Sincerity Loops, trace
a moment's closure for clues, and brushstrokes. His work has also
appeared in the journals Tinfish, lyric& and Rhizome.
San Diego is the inspirational base for Marsh, who teaches writing
and multi-media arts. His work has appeared in several online
and print journals, including Tinfish, the germ, Web Conjunctions,
Witz, and Zine(n) New Media. His chapbook Making Flutes was published
by Potes and Poets Press in 1998. Marsh also edits PaperBrainPress.
Join them for an evening of fresh verse at 7 p.m. in the Dinnerware
Contemporary Art Gallery, 135 E. Congress St. Admission is free,
though a small donation is requested. For information, call 620-1626.
CHEAP SEATS: Great suds and cheap seats are the ticket
at Nimbus Brewing Company's Wednesday night film series.
The Nimbus folks are rearranging the furniture--and even popping
fresh corn--for your viewing pleasure. Starting at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday,
June 2, they'll screen A Fish Called Wanda, followed at
8:30 p.m. by Terry Gilliam's Jabberwocky. Admission is
The Nimbus Brewing Co. is tucked away at 3850 E. 44th St. For
details, call 745-9175.
ZOO VIEW: Gain insight into creatures' comfort at the Reid
Park Zoo. Nestled among the park's lovely tall trees, the sprawling
zoo is home to more than 400 exotic animals, and has an ongoing
captive breeding program for several threatened and endangered
species, including the small clawed otter, Siberian tiger, white
rhinoceros, Grevy's zebra, lion tailed macaque and ruffed lemur.
Zoo docents are dedicated to spreading the word about conservation
and protecting what remains of the world's wildlife. They conduct
a variety of programs and daily special events, ranging from slide
shows and "Reid-Me-A-Story" children's events to roving
interpretive stations and information booths.
But come for the animals: "We now have a really young giraffe
and a new baby gibbon," says the zoo's Susan Basford. "It's
really tiny and clings to the mother's chest, so you have to look
closely to see it. But the baby has an older sister--or at least,
we think it's a sister--and they make a nice little family."
Bring your own brood for a visit between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. daily.
Admission is $3.50, $2.50 for seniors, 75 cents for children ages
5 to 14, and free for children 4 and under. Enter the zoo off
22nd Street, between Country Club Road and Alvernon Way. For more
information, call 791-4022.
CLOWNING AROUND: Summer fun and magic await children ages
4 and under at the Tucson Mall's Club Kidz, a gathering for wee
ones and their families on the first and third Tuesday of the
month. This Tuesday, June 1, join Scribbles and Flounder the clowns
for a half-hour of magic tricks, balloon animals, stories and
laughter. The fun begins at 10:30 a.m. in the Food Court, on the
lower level of the Tucson Mall, 4550 N. Oracle Road. Call
293-7330 for information on this and other free Club Kidz events.