More Award-Winning Journalism From 'The Weekly.'
THE TUCSON WEEKLY brought home eight Arizona Press Club
awards last week in the state's largest journalism contest, including
a sweep of a reporting category.
Arts editor Margaret Regan was a finalist for the prestigious
Community Journalist of the Year honors, taking the second-runner-up
spot. Category judge Howard Weaver, editorial page editor of the
Sacramento Bee, said Regan's package of work from 1998
"represents a substantial body of work done to a high standard."
Regan also won a third-place award in the commentary/analysis
category among medium publications for "Fin Spin" (December
17, 1998), which dissected a controversy over public art in a
westside neighborhood. Judge Leslie Katz, a contributor to the
San Jose Mercury News, said the story was "comprehensive
and well-written."
Regan earned third-place honors in the medium pubs' general reporting
category for "Birthplace Blues" (April 9, 1998), which
examined efforts to revitalize the city's Rio Nuevo South property
at the base of A Mountain. "More than any other entry,"
wrote judge Tom Heinen of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel,
"this story has soul. Its lyrical, vivid descriptions, coupled
with the spiritual reflections of Native American Daniel Preston,
give readers a strong sense of place. The writing style effortlessly
pulls readers through 3,000 years of human occupation...."
Senior Editor Jim Nintzel completed The Weekly's sweep
of the reporting category, winning both first- and second-place
awards. He took first place with "Downtown Turnaround"
(March 12, 1998), which took an in-depth look at the downtown
Business Improvement District. The judge found that the "story
does what good journalism should. It tackles a major issue in
a clear-cut, lively way that engages readers, raises significant
questions and provides vital background information without history
and arcane complexity."
Nintzel earned second-place honors with "House of Mystery"
(August 6, 1998), examining the proposed new City Hall project.
"The story blends solid writing and enterprise reporting
into a very readable, government mystery story whose potential
impact on the Tucson community goes beyond the City Hall project's
hefty $57 million price tag. It is balanced. It is thorough, yet
compact, without daunting potential readers with excessive length.
At this length, any daily newspaper could have chosen to do the
Nintzel received an honorable mention in the reporting category
with "Best-Laid Plans" (May 28, 1998), which examined
early political conflicts with the county's efforts to develop
a conservation plan.
Nintzel also placed second in the medium pubs' commentary category
for "Amphi Theatrics" (October 29, 1998), which explored
the many controversies plaguing the Amphitheater School District
and endorsed Board candidate Ken Smith, who finished well ahead
of the incumbents on election day. The judge found the article
featured "strong, crisp writing and a point of view that
is expressed unequivocally and supported from start to finish."
Nintzel's coverage of the Amphi School District's problems continues
on page 8.
Columnist Tom Danehy continued his infamous streak, winning a
Press Club Award for the 11th straight year. Danehy took first
place for sports reporting among medium pubs for "Joining
The Club" (April 16, 1998), which examined the impact of
club sports on high-school athletic programs. Judge Peter Spiegel
of Forbes magazine said Danehy's work "was really
the only entrant that showed all the components of an award-winning
story: in-depth reporting, solid analysis and clear, compelling
writing. The reporter found an important trend, reported it thoroughly
and presented it in an understandable and well-organized way."
Frequent contributor Leo W. Banks won the third-place prize for
"The Anasazi's Amazing Feet" (June 25, 1998). Judge
Bill Kossen of the Seattle Times said Banks' "story
on sandals, linking them to what was worn by Native Americans
1,400 years ago, was a fun read."