Events This Week
ARCHITECTURE WEEK. The sixth annual Architecture week includes
celebrations from Saturday through Saturday, April 18 through
25. Scheduled events include: Educational exhibits and lectures;
walking tours, including a tour of El Presidio downtown from 11
a.m. to noon Saturday, April 18, and "Homes Architects Design
for Themselves" from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday, April 19; displays
of the work of 35 area architect on display at the Tucson Mall;
a showing of works assembled for a national review from 8 a.m.
to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, April 20 through 25, at the TM
Sundt Gallery, UA College of Architecture. Call Brent Davis at
622-6248 for tour prices and information.
of the Arizona International Film Festival includes such events
as the Premiere Showcase, the Arizona Independant Film Award,
The Reel Frontier Film & Video Competition Festival, a tribute
to New Irish Cinema, and an opening night celebration at Thursday,
April 26, followed by a special screening of new independant cinema.
Passes range from $20 to $125. See the Tucson Weekly insert
for events schedule or all 628-1737 for information.
DOLLAR DAY SALE. Buffalo Exchange. 2001 E. Speedway/7045
E. Tanque Vere Road. In celebration of Earth Day Buffalo Exchange
is holding Dollar Day Sale to raise money for the Southwest Center
for Biological Diversity. Annie Hawkins and Sapphire Kieft will
perform from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 18, at the Speedway store.
Both events are free. Call 795-0508 for information.
EARTH DAY CELEBRATION. Celebrate Earth Day downtown at
the fourth annual parade and festival. The float parade begins
at 9 a.m. Temple of Music and Art and proceeds to the Earth Day
activites centered on the grounds of the Tucson Children's Museum,
200 S. Sixth Ave. Festivities continue until 1 p.m. and include
food booths, vendors, a recycled art show and children's activities.
Admission to the museum is discounted to $2 during the festival.
Call 792-9985 for information.
EL PRESIDIO HOME TOUR. The self-guided tour includes the
Selim Franklin house and 12 other homes and is held from noon
to 5 p.m. Sunday, April 19. Tickets are $6 per person available
from 11:30 to 4 p.m. at 350 N. Main Ave. Kan Scoville will deliver
three short talks about the history of the area at 11:35 a.m.,
12:30 and 1 p.m. Call 791-9343 for information.
FIESTA DE SALUD. Fiesta Area of Kennedy Park. 3700 S. La
Cholla Blvd. The American Heart Association sponsors the Sixth
Annual Festival de Salud, a celebration of health that includes
free blood pressure, cholesterol and Diabetes screenings and innoculations
for adults and children, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April
18. Call AHA at 795-1403 for information.
MARIACHI CONFERENCE. The Bank One International Mariachi
Conference is Wednesday through Saturday, April 22 though 25,
and includes educational workshops in mariachi and folklorico
dancing, concerts, a Mariachi showcae, parade, art exhibit, the
Garibaldi Fiesta and golf tournament. Call 884-9920, ext. 243,
for tickets and information about specific events.
SPRING BAZAAR. Gittings Building Courtyard. UA Campus.
The UA Dancer's Consortium First Annual Spring Cleaning Bazarre
is from 9 .am. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 18. Proceeds from the
spring cleaning rummage sale benefit the Consortium. Call 621-4698
for information.
STORYTELLING GATHERING. St. Phillip's in the Hills
Church. Meditation Room. 4440 N. Campbell road. On the first and
third Tuesday of every month, storytellers can gather to swap
tall tales and practice their art in the company of novices and
old hands alike. The event is organized by Glenda Bonin and Ron
Lancaster of Tellers of Tales, and gathers from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday, April 21. Call 326-8966 for information.
TORTOLITA FUNDRAISER. 12951 N. King Aire. The Friends of
Tortolita have their second annual fund-raiser party from 4 to
11 p.m. Saturday, April 18. Events include three dance bands,
a silent auction, children's activities and a gourmet coffe and
desert booth. A BBQ dinner will be served from 5 to 8 p.m., ickets
are $7 in advance $10 at the door, $2 for children. Call 544-4057
for information.
WAILA FESTIVAL. Arizona Historical Society. 949 E. Second
Street. The tenth annual Waila Festival from 6 to 11 p.m. Friday
and 5 to 11 p.m. Saturday, April 17 and 18., and features nine
Waila bands, the opening of the exhibit One Hundred Years of
Change: Tohono O'odham Basketry in Transition, dance workshops
on Friday and the Young Waila Musician Worshop on Sunday, as well
as a variety of booths with Tohono O'ohdam foods and crafts. Call
628-5774 for information.
Out of Town
The Fourth Annual Arts and Music Festival, held Saturday and Sunday,
April 18 and 19, includes a professionally juried art show with
more than 60 booths, music, entertainment including two kids stages
and concessions. All events are free. Call (800) 880-7909 for