MAKE TRACKS: Get a little fresh air and help perpetuate this region's increasingly threatened natural dwellers by participating in the Sky-Island Alliance's Wildlife Track Count. Join Alliance members as they document the comings and goings of mountain lions and other wildlife, and work to protect their habitat. No experience is necessary--volunteers will teach you the down-to-earth basics. Event runs from 7 a.m. to noon Sunday, March 29. For location and details, call 323-0547. WILD RIDE: Now that they're riding the wave of musical success, have The Mollys forgotten all those sweaty hometown fans who spent years dancing to their eccentric Tex-Mex/Irish sound? Hardly. To prove it, the chart-climbing group will hit the bottle--actually, the little ol' bar with the great big wine bottle out front--for one show at 9 p.m. Thursday, March 26, at the Boondocks Lounge, 3306 N. First Ave. Cover is $4. For information, call 326-8793. HARDLY HUMBLE: Folks in the West University Neighborhood graciously throw open their doors for the 18th-annual Historic Home Tour. It begins at Roskruge School, and will include 15 homes, landmarks and gardens. Plus, Old Pueblo Trolley rides will be offered for 25 cents. This year's outing also celebrates a pair of prime anniversaries: the West University Neighborhood Association's 20th, and the Roskruge School's 90th. Built in 1907, Roskruge was originally home to Tucson High, and its birthday will be marked by dinner and entertainment at tour's end. Tour runs from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday, March 29, and begins at Roskruge School, 506 E. Sixth St. Advance tickets are $5, available at Time Market and Delectables. Tickets are $7 on the day of the event, and will be available at Roskruge School. Dinner tickets are also $5, and may purchased in advance or at the school. Call 624-9272 for information. BUT NOT FORGOTTEN: You know the story. The lost city of Atlantis, now just a water-logged fantasy, disintegrated under the briny deep eons ago. But the question lingers: Was it real, or just the woozy delusion of a sailor drunk on cheap swill? Shirley Andrews thinks she knows the answer, and reveals all in her new book Atlantis: Insights from a Lost Civilization. Today, she'll be on hand to sign copies of the book. Few know the truth about Atlantis, she contends, or the geological metaphysical evidence that it really existed. Nor do they understand how Atlantean descendants influenced future cultures, and what we can learn from them to better our own world. Signing is 5 to 7 p.m. Friday, March 27, in Peace of Mind Bookstore, 6061 E. Broadway. For details, call 918-9600. STREAM OF LIFE: When was the last time you heard a lively ladrang, or a boisterous buburan? Probably longer ago than you'd like to think. Now's your chance to get up to musical speed when Fine Stream Gamelan plays these and other Indonesian musical styles at a free concert. Directed by local musician and composer Matt Finstrom, Fine Stream has been performing in Arizona since 1989, and their fascinating sound incorporates everything from gongs to keyboards. Concert is at noon on Friday, March 27, on the UA Mall outdoor stage. For details, call 743-9879.
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