Tucson Weekly February 29 - March 6, 1996



Cinema Review

Yet another costume flick, Angles and Insects manages to be somewhat refreshing in the genre.
By Stacey Richter

Film Clips

Check out our capsule reviews packed with links to the hottest movie home pages on the Web.

Film Times

What's showing right now on local and national screens for the week of February 29 - March 6, 1996.

Film Vault

No dust and crumbling celluloid to choke on in DesertNet's all-modern Film Vault. Articles and reviews from the Tucson Weekly with thousands of links to film-related sites on the World Wide Web.

Cinema Forum

Did you see Waterworld? Do you wish you hadn't? Tell us about it, so we can feel your pain. We'd like to know what you think about your latest cinematic experience, even if it involved baby oil and Charlie Sheen out at Ventana Canyon Resort.

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