We'd Love To Say Cartoonist John Callahan Is A Real Stand-Up Guy, But...
By James DiGiovanna
Will the Real John Callahan Please Stand Up?, by
John Callahan, with an introduction by Robin Williams (William
Morrow). Hardcover, $20.
JOHN CALLAHAN IS probably the most hated cartoonist since
Mort Walker. His gag panel featuring a young Martin Luther King
pointing to a wet spot on his bed and saying, "I had a dream,"
was rejected by nearly every paper that had been daring enough
to print Callahan's work in the past. Another of his panels showed
two construction workers pointing to a donkey strapped to the
back of a female dog and saying, "Look at the ass on that
bitch." This is either a combination of witty wordplay and
insightful commentary on sexist language, or one of the most offensive
things ever printed, depending on who you ask.
If you ask John Callahan, he'll refuse to interpret; but he loves
to quote from his hate mail, much of which fleshes out the reflections,
memories and cartoons in Will the Real John Callahan Please
Stand Up. The title is a play on the fact that Callahan, like
many of the characters in his cartoons, is a quadriplegic. His
stories about accidentally urinating while trying to pick up on
passing women, falling out of his wheelchair and being stuck face
down on the floor for the five hours it takes for his caretaker
to arrive, and other such pleasures of paralyzed existence, are
told with none of the bitter-saccharine flavor of a network "triumph
over adversity" TV-movie.
Rather, Callahan remains, after more than 20 years without the
use of his limbs, angry and twisted. Luckily, he's converted much
of his bile into his nasty cartooning, with some left over for
the tales from his life which make this book an oddly inspiring,
if also disturbing, read.