The Tucson City Council Seizes The Lead In The Race To Save The Downtown Train Depot.
By Margaret Regan
WHEN TUCSON'S first-ever train chugged into town on March
20, 1880, it arrived ahead of schedule, so early that hardly anyone
was on hand to greet it. The town patriarchs hastened to correct
the embarrassing lapse, hurrying over to the new tracks at the
far northeast corner of town to deliver flowery speeches about
the benefits of Progress.
The Pima County Sheriff, though, one Bill Oury, dissented from
the general optimism. He cautioned the assembled boosters that
the new world wrought by the rails would mean the end of the old
pioneer way of life.
"Our last request," he said, "is that you kindly
avoid trampling in the dust the few remaining monuments of the
first American settlements in Arizona."
His words exerted almost no influence on a city about to be transformed
by the rails. Not only did Tucson's architecture change dramatically
from adobe to the brick and wood brought in by the train, the
new technology made the city the most important shipping center
in the Territory.
But history has its ironies. Commercial container trains still
regularly toot their way through town, but within 100 years the
heyday of the great passenger trains had come and gone. And Tucson's
train depot, built in 1907 after a fire destroyed the wooden original,
has been reduced to a badly rundown eyesore. The peeling depot
is home nowadays to a tiny Amtrak passenger station carved out
of the once-grand waiting room in the 20,000 square-foot building.
Union Pacific still uses an outbuilding as a communications center.
Oury might not have liked the trains, but as a pioneer preservationist
he might have liked the vote the city took early this week. Trying
to save a piece of Tucson's great railroading past--and to help
revitalize the downtown--the Tucson City Council voted unanimously
Monday night to buy the aged depot outright from Union Pacific.
City staff were to have the city's bid of $1.66 million at Union
Pacific headquarters in Omaha by Friday.
"Tonight this is a historic opportunity for the entire community,"
Arthur Keating, head of the nonprofit Depot Gateway Vision, told
the council. "Lots of individuals and organizations over
the years have had concerns about the depot and its fate in the
John Updike, a staffer in the city manager's office who's been
handling the transaction, said it could take 60 to 90 days to
close the deal, assuming Union Pacific accepts the bid. A good
chunk of the cash--about a million dollars--comes courtesy of
federal transportation funds, since the city envisions the rehabbed
depot as a center for train, bus, trolley, bicycle, pedestrian
and possibly light-rail traffic. ("Intermodal" is the
going jargon word for a mixed transportation center.) The seller
would clean up the diesel oil contamination that is believed
to mar the four-acre site at the corner of Toole and Fourth Avenue.
The city--or the party it selects to develop the depot--would
pick up the estimated $1 million tab for rehabbing the building
and bringing it up to code.
At this point, Updike told the council, he believes the city
is the only potential buyer.
"What's really coming together here," enthused Councilman
Steve Leal, "is the ability to acquire a significant building.
The community will own it."
THE HAPPY UNANIMITY at vote time gave no hint of the conflicts
that have hovered over the depot the last several years. Up until
last week, Keating's organization was also hoping to buy the property.
At the council meeting, Keating said his group now supports the
city's bid but complained that his group had not been given a
"realistic time frame to raise the money" to buy it
themselves. He added that he still hopes the nonprofit can work
with the city to develop an action plan.
At an interview two weeks ago, Keating said he first started
giving a lot of thought to the depot in the late '80s, when he
owned and operated the Arts District Bookstore in the Hotel Congress
across Toole from the depot. (The refurbished hotel was once upon
a time primarily a railroad hotel.) He became alarmed when he
learned that the DLUCS parkway plan (the successor to the nixed
Aviation Highway downtown mile) would have chopped off one outbuilding
and come dangerously close to the historic main structure, isolating
it in a sea of car traffic.
"Nobody was thinking about the depot in the city,"
Keating recalled, so he and other concerned citizens alerted city
officials to the danger. "They were horrified," Keating
said, and ordered changes in the DLUCS plan, which has yet to
be either funded or built. Heartened by their success, the "independent
grass-roots community design group" came up with a lavish
plan for the depot. It would be restored to much of its previous
architectural glory, with the unfortunate World War II-era stucco
being stripped off to reveal the Spanish Colonial ornamentation
on the Toole facade. Besides serving as a transportation center,
the new depot could also feature a museum, offices, shops, even
an outdoor performance space. The old locomotive engine now at
Himmel Park could be put on display. Toole would be closed in
the block between the depot and the Hotel Congress, allowing for
a public plaza, fountain and desert landscaping.
The Depot Gateway Vision group took their plan--model, drawings,
written description and all--to the City Council in November 1995,
and won a ringing 7-0 endorsement.
It's at this point that the tale chugs down a couple different
tracks. Keating said he took the city's approval to mean that
his group should proceed with planning. But they found themselves
left out of the loop, he said, stymied by city staff who didn't
seem to understand the volunteers' innovative ideas about public-private
partnerships. Their idea was the nonprofit "would buy the
building for the community" through donations. Every schoolchild
in Tucson could become a "stakeholder" by donating a
dollar or two.
"It would be a non-bureaucratic way of...making it a community
project, instead of a project for city staff," Keating said.
Others maintain that the nonprofit cooled its heels for too long,
leaving the city little choice but to act in its stead. Leal,
who warmly praised Keating's vision at the council meeting Monday,
pointed out several weeks ago that, "The nonprofit knows
it has wanted it to buy it for some time...The time to start thinking
about raising the money was a long time ago. They haven't. It's
left the city by default of acting so as not to lose the opportunity
for the community."
And by this winter there was no time for further delay. Cash-hungry
Union Pacific was ready to sell, and set a deadline of February
13 for the delivery of bids. The most important issue in the minds
of city staff and council was to get possession of the building
now and argue later about such niceties as public-private partnerships
and creative financing. After all, Councilman Fred Ronstadt pointed
out in an interview, "Union Pacific went and demolished the
coal tower," another Tucson landmark, several weeks ago.
Now that the city has voted to buy up the property, council members
see plenty of opportunity for reconciliation between the city
and the nonprofit. Council ordered staff not to put out any general
requests for bids from developers until it has debated its own
vision for the depot. Depot Gateway Vision, which has already
begun raising money, could well end up as the council's choice
of developer. Councilman José Ibarra, for one, said last
week that the group had made a "solid proposal" and
that the subsequent bad blood between city and nonprofit "puts
a bad taste in my mouth. A partnership is the way to go, especially
during a time of dwindling dollars."
So is it a happy ending?
"It's a happy beginning," Updike said. "Now the
work begins."
Cranky old Oury might even approve.