HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE. The Tucson/Pima County hazardous
waste disposal site, 2440 W. Sweetwater Drive, is open from 8
a.m. to noon every Friday and Saturday for household waste disposal.
Stop by the "Drop and Swap" table, where you can leave
your left-over soaps, paints, waxes, etc. for someone else to
use. Outreach centers are open from 8 a.m. to noon the first Saturday
of the month at the following locations: Eastside City Hall, 7575
E. Speedway; TFD Fire Academy, 797 E. Ajo Way; and the Park and
Ride parking lot located on Ina Road one block west of Oracle
Road (at Via Ponte). For more information, call 740-3340.
PERMACULTURE BREAKFAST. The Permaculture Drylands Institute
has a monthly, fun-filled discussion of sustainable living in
drylands. They meet the second Tuesday of each month for a community
breakfast at 7 a.m. at the Grill, 100 E. Congress St. Call 572-1672
for information.
SKY ISLAND ALLIANCE. Water Resources Research Center. 350
N. Campbell Ave. Jim Winder and Will and Jan Holder present What
Is "Conservation Ranching" and What Role Can It Play
in Wildlands Protection? at 7 p.m. on Thursday, February 4.
Call 327-1129 or 323-0547 for information.