
Old Pueblo Playwrights Unveils The Raw Talent Of Local Theatre In Six Class-Acts.
By Dave Irwin
WRITING PLAYS IS different from other forms of writing,"
according to Rich Amada, "because it's no longer just the
author and the audience. As a novelist, your words go directly
to the audience and there's no one else there to interpret. As
a playwright, you have to learn the skill of letting go to some
extent, knowing that what you've written is the skeleton that
others are going to build on for the total body of the performance.
There's the director, the actors, the people creating scenic design
and other effects. You have to give the other creative people
an opportunity to invest their talent to it. If you become too
attached, and think everything has to be exactly as you envisioned,
you're going to be a very frustrated playwright."
Old Pueblo Playwrights' annual New Play Festival gives local
authors the opportunity to present juried works in near final
draft form, and then fine-tune their efforts through active audience
feedback. The festival runs Thursday through Sunday, January 7
through 10, at the Tucson Center for the Performing Arts. Now
in its ninth year, the four-day event offers 13 works by six local
playwrights. The format is staged readings; actors are rehearsed,
but will perform with script in hand. The program will include
short and full-length plays, radio plays, and a staged reading
of a screenplay.
"It's a festival of works in progress," Amada advises.
A former broadcast journalist who is this year's OPP president,
Amada took full advantage of the process last year. His Wimpley
School for Wayward Girls was presented in workshop form at
last year's festival. Using feedback from that, the comedy was
tightened up and successfully produced last spring by Lost River
Selection of plays for the festival can be a grueling process
for playwrights. To qualify, a work has to be read at least twice
at OPP's regular Monday night meetings. That means it's subjected
to a peer review that's polite but exacting. The members of OPP
include people with many years of experience in writing, acting
and production. They're not brutal, but they don't pull any punches,
either. After qualifying, plays are submitted by the author for
a vote by the members to select the best works for the festival.
Patti Cassidy, a former freelance journalist and librarian, began
writing plays in 1992 and became a member of OPP a year later.
"I remember the first time I walked in," she says. "Someone's
play was being read that night, and I thought, 'My God, that's
such a wonderful play.' And then the group starts saying, 'Well,
this works, that doesn't seem to work,' and I'm wondering, 'How
did you see all that?' Although I'd been writing and I was reasonably
savvy to hearing things out, I wasn't used to this medium."
This year, Cassidy will see a version of her screenplay, Bruja,
presented. The story is about a woman who goes mad while trying
to seduce a man through magic.
"It's really honed my vision about the basic question of
whose play is this and what is it about," she says of her
OPP association. "Sometimes when you're writing a play you
forget those basic questions and it shows in your work."
A number of local artists cite OPP as a valuable learning experience.
Notable OPP alumni include Elaine Romero, Patrick Baliani, Howard
Allen and Steve Barancik. Five of the approximately 20 current
members have had one or more works produced outside of OPP in
the past year.
This year, Amada will offer several short plays based on historical
situations, such as Lady Godiva and Wisdom of Solomon.
Joan Van Dyke explores local history and tradition with her full-length
play, The Lights of Barrio Libre. In addition, her epic
Wild and Wooly Tales of Pecos Bill will be part of the
Saturday evening offerings, alongside Debra Billman Weitzell's
Gumshoe, a campy 1940s-era detective story presented as
a series of old-style radio plays, complete with sound effects.
The festival concludes Sunday with Jesse Greenberg's short play,
Mountain; and newcomer Mark Hope's full-length Barter,
about the unsavory alliance between a cop and a drug addict.
At the end of each play, audience members are invited to discuss
the work with its author. "For us, the festival is part of
the creative process," says Amada. "Playwrights get
this information that lets them know where things are working
and where they're not; where improvement needs to be made and
where things are strong. It's the sort of thing you can't really
gauge sitting at home in front of your typewriter or computer."
The Ninth Annual Old Pueblo Playwrights New Play Festival
hits the boards Thursday through Sunday, January 7 through 10,
at the Tucson Center for the Performing Arts, 408 S. Sixth
Ave. Presentations are at 7:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday, and 1:30
and 7:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets are $5 per performance,
with multi-performance discounts available. For more information,
call 887-6741. For reservations or advance tickets, call