Best Bowling Alley

Fiesta Lanes
501 W. River Road

STAFF PICK: Anyone who says all bowling alleys are the same obviously has holes in his head, and a mind in the gutter, and several other bowling metaphors we can't think of right now. It's the little things that count, and they add up to a lot over at Fiesta Lanes. The way Fiesta's lanes are spaced, for example, ensures that you have a lot of elbow room when you bowl. All the equipment works impeccably, too, so you'll never have to wait while a mechanic fixes your stuck lane, or cry out in anguish as the lever errantly comes down to knock over your pins just as you're about to attempt a spare. Ever get your balls confused with the balls of a stranger because the ball-returning device is too dumb to differentiate between lanes? Not much fun, mingling balls like that, now is it? It won't happen at Fiesta Lanes. While the place doesn't have much in the way of frills--no laser bowling, no fancy animation on the score screen--the emphasis on quality wins out. Plus, we love the mini-restaurant, where perfect cheeseburgers are only a couple of bucks, and French fries are served with a toothpick so you don't get your bowling fingers greasy.

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