Best Party Supplies

Party Supply Center
4044 E. Speedway Blvd.

CLUE IN: Like all party supply stores, the Party Supply Center has silly paper hats, play money, rolls of tickets that say BEER on them, piñatas, weird rubber-nose masks, invitations, helium and balloons, confetti and streamers, and, in short, "over a million items to choose from." What sets this party supply apart from the crowd is that if you go in when school's not in session, there are two brothers who work there, ages 8 and 10, who know the stock better than any adult could ever hope to. The place is as chaotically stocked as downtown's Chicago Store, but these guys know exactly what you're looking for and where to find it. Who knows more about throwing a party than a kid? This is the only store in town with on-staff experts.

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