Best Local Collection of JFK Memorabilia

The Shelter
4155 E. Grant Road

STAFF PICK: The Shelter is a fortress for those who need to feel secure against nuclear attack while sipping their cocktails. Santiago, the ornate and gracious host and benefactor, moves around the bar with an attentive eye. King of this mondo mod scene, he rules fiercely but fairly. For example, he's implemented a new ashtray amnesty program, developed after too many funky personal and party-sized ashtrays disappeared from the bar. His "no questions asked" policy makes it easier for honest patrons, who may occasionally suffer momentary lapses of conscience, to come clean. The policy has worked before, like when one of the Jack-and-Bobby tapestries was abducted. It's still an emotional subject for Santiago, who tears up whenever he retells the story of its theft and anonymous return by mail. It's a very special tapestry, because the pile can be pushed and rearranged until JFK looks just like E.T.; and if John's face is folded in half and put next to Bobby's folded face, the result is a startling likeness of Teddy. Now all three tapestries are installed behind a protective sheet of Plexiglas. His latest acquisition comes from the Jackie O. Sotheby's auction: a set of light green linen hand towels, each embroidered with a dark green JFK monogram, which once hung in the Green washroom. The Shelter also has an impressive collection of paintings on velvet, which Santiago deems priceless.

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