Best Auto Parts Store

Arizona Auto Supply
Four Locations

STAFF PICK: Most auto parts stores focus less on finding the components you need, and more on moving product. If you come in looking for spray-on products guaranteed to fix your car without your having to lift a wrench, they'll sure sell you something. But if you go in looking for an actual mechanical part for an older or obscure vehicle, forget it. But you won't get any blank stares or mumbo jumbo at Arizona Auto Supply. One of the last bastions of auto-parts hunter-gatherers, they'll do their best to help you find what you're looking for. Even if you drive a 1964 Clark Cortez. They are parts people who know how to comb through dusty tomes of mostly forgotten vehicle lore and return with a solution. They're one part mechanic, one part archivist; and they're our only hope against a future ruled by new car payments.

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