Best Hiking Boots

Buffalo Exchange
2001 E. Speedway
7045 E. Tanque Verde Road

STAFF PICK: If Godzilla wore hiking boots, we doubt stomping through Tokyo would wear them out faster than trekking through the Catalinas. For us pedestrians, constantly replacing lightweight boots can become a heavyweight expense. Fortunately for people who live for the outdoors, hiking boots are a perennial fad with fashion-conscious students living fat off the parental payroll. These boots seem to do little more than lounge around coffee shops or hike the mall. So--just like those spotless sport-utility vehicles lining the parking lots--we wait patiently (and never long) for this unspoiled equipment to make its way to resale. Buffalo Exchange has a substantial selection of quality boots--one of our best recent discoveries was a virtually new pair of Vasques for $20. Now you can commit yourself to the sport rather than the expense.

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