Best Celebrity Abduction

KVOA Billboard

STAFF PICK: Imagine our surprise, nay, shock...or better still, our complete soul-rending amazement. After all, we'd just spent the better part of a month (and no mean share of ink) discounting any and all who'd dare try foisting some phantasmagoric tomfoolery on the populace of our fair city. From lights in the sky over Phoenix, to that gathering of wackos in Roswell, our sole obligation (or so we naively thought at the time) was, simply, to gather the facts and set the record straight. But then the unthinkable happened. Suddenly, and in the stealth of night, our own Joe Donlon, that same Joe Donlon whose pearly whites had beamed down beneficently upon us for so many a month from billboards all across town, reassuring us during our sleepy morning drives that, yes, at the end of the day, and despite whatever befell us, everything would, at 5, 6 and 10 p.m., be all right...vanished. Without a trace. Without explanation. In his stead, we realized with horror, sweat gathering at the backs of our knees, was what even those who'd labored so hard to put the capital "S" back in "skepticism" could only conclude: an alien being. What else could account for this malicious sleight of hand, this Orwellian twist, this nefarious legerdemain? They tell us the new smile belongs to some set of hair they call "Tom McNamara." But, faithful readers, the jig is up: The mothership has landed.

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