Best Breastfeeding Information And Support

La Leche League Of Tucson

STAFF PICK: For more than 25 years, La Leche League International's Tucson Chapter has been offering breastfeeding information and support to new mothers in Tucson. Staffed with more than two dozen fully trained and accredited volunteers, all of whom have breastfed their own children, La Leche League of Tucson offers services in two ways. First, any mother who's interested in breastfeeding may attend a series of monthly meetings at one of several locations around town. The meetings are free, but membership does have its privileges. Second, mothers may call for telephone help seven days a week. Sometimes having access to information about a specific question makes all the difference in the world for a breastfeeding mom and her baby. For more information about La Leche League of Tucson, call 721-2516.

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