Best Upscale Kids Dining

Keaton's Restaurant
7401 N. La Cholla Blvd.
6464 E. Tanque Verde Road

STAFF PICK: When you've finally wearied of one too many fast-food meals in playground restaurants where the noise level rivals a Metallica concert, consider taking the tots to an eatery that pampers all ages. Keaton's not only has a complete upscale menu for adults, it goes out of its way to offer kids the best of what they like most. For an investment ranging from $2.50 to $6.50, your young gourmands can dine on selections ranging from ballpark hot dogs to petite cuts of prime rib. Our personal favorite is the peanut butter and jelly sandwich, raw ingredients delivered on a board to your table and prepared with panache before your very eyes.

Real food served on actual plates in a civil atmosphere of calm and gracious hospitality: As the jingly saying goes, you deserve a break today.

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