Best Grassroots Organization On Wheels

Bicycle Inter-Community Action & Salvage (BICAS)

STAFF PICK: It's hard to narrow this down to a single category: Best job training for kids? Best recycling program? Best alternative after-school activity for at-risk teens? Best way to get a bike? BICAS is all of the above; one of those rare and well-developed "everybody wins" projects. Their Youth Bike Underground Build-a-Bike program (for kids and adults) offers extensive hands-on training in bicycle maintenance and repair, perfectly suited for those restless souls with more time than money. Each participant works on recycled bikes donated by the community. At the end of the program, not only do participants come away with marketable skills, they get their very own pollution-free transportation!

One Reader Roars

Best Community Improvement Effort

Tucson Clean & Beautiful is government-sponsored and an easy way to recycle. I've volunteered with them for six years and all the people I volunteer with are wonderful. This organization really brings together the community.

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