Best Place To Soak Up Suburban Ambiance

Rincon Food Market
2513 E. Sixth St.

STAFF PICK: If it's Saturday morning at Rincon Market, everything is happening at once. Arriving in Beamers and beaters, on foot, by bike and by board, there are kids and dogs and parents, babies and grandparents, singles and students, old lovers, newlyweds and teenagers (in those huge jeans). Early morning joggers are in search of coffee and fresh orange juice; mountain bikers stock-up on water and carbs to-go, just as the satisfied road cyclists are lining up at the breakfast buffet and ogling the bakery display. From the far corner, squeals of delight issue from the mouths and imaginations of a band of small children, broken loose from parental units in search of the Jelly-Belly bins. The deli is bustling, bagels are moving like hot cakes, and the sound of newspapers snapping open punctuates the generalized hubbub. Fresh morning air and sunlight pour in from outside, as the sliding doors are prompted open again and again.

One Reader Roars

Best Place To Live

What makes Tucson great is the warm-hearted people in this town. More people volunteer for nonprofits, hospitals, etc., than any other place in Arizona. And there are so many free (or almost free) places to go and things to see.

--L.H. Lockhart

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