Best Breakfast For Dick And Jane

Overpass Café
1423 W. Miracle Mile

STAFF PICK: Enter the Overpass Café and you walk backward through time--back 50 years or more, when Formica counters, swivel-top stools and vinyl booths were boss; and patrons stopping in for breakfast or lunch expected to get change for a $5 bill. Here the menu and service hasn't changed since we liked Ike. For $2.49, you can still get the original SOS (euphemism for creamed chipped-beef on toast). This is one of the few places in town serving the authentic recipe (not the hamburger version). The ambrosial gravy is sufficient to plug the arteries of a whole platoon.

Other great weekday breakfast specials include two eggs, toast and hashbrowns for $1.32 before 8:30 a.m.; or the "pricey" five-ounce, top-sirloin steak with eggs, toast and hashbrowns for $2.99. If you're unlucky enough to be stuck in construction traffic during the lunch-hour, change your fate with a midday meal at the Overpass. It's open weekdays from 5:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.; and until 1:30 p.m. on weekends.

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