Best Organic Produce

Boxed Greens
1665 E. 18th St.

STAFF PICK: When Gina Verdugo first formulated a plan to deliver fresh, organic produce to peoples' front doors, even she couldn't have imagined how phenomenal the response would be to her entrepreneurial idea. What started out as a trickle of loyal customers has become a deluge as word has spread among friends, neighbors and co-workers about the pleasure of eating vegetables and fruit that not only retain the tastes and textures nature intended, but have also escaped the toxic treatment championed by the monolithic agribusiness empire. Boxed Greens hand-delivers the kind of vine-ripened, home-grown difference only certified organic farmers and small growers can guarantee. Verdugo and her dedicated staff seek out the best seasonal fruits and vegetables from local and national growers, buying them in bulk, bagging them to individual specifications, and bringing them right to your door. Regular customers get a slight discount and the reassurance their box will be delivered on a prearranged schedule, making those listless trips through the supermarket's tepid offerings a thing of the past. Member costs range from about $24 to $60 for bi-weekly delivery; and you'd be hard pressed to find a better selection even if you went to the store and picked it out yourself. As for us, we're content to pay a little more, support growers with a conscience, and let Boxed Greens do the driving. For information, call 629-0555.

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