Best Roast Beef Sandwich

Jersey Joe's
1628 E. Sixth St.

STAFF PICK: No matter what you want, if you step into Jersey Joe's expect to get the roast beef sub sandwich. If you're a guy, it'll become a question of your manhood; if you're a gal, it'll become a question of your guy's manhood. The bottom line is, real Jersey Joe's customers eat the beef: lots of beef, thinly sliced, with sweet and hot peppers, onions and all the trimmings. And they're always glad they did. And they come back and order it without any prompting or threatening whatsoever, because it's good. Because it's expected. Because they can't help themselves. (Although, this place has one of the tastiest marinara sauces around; and their vegetarian sub is a marvel of lacy thin-sliced cheeses, juicy tomatoes, lettuce, bell peppers, olives and tangy Italian dressing.) Basically, order whatever the endearingly belligerent counter staff suggest, and you won't go away hungry.

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