Best Coffee Specialty Drinks

Cuppuccino's Coffee House
3400 E. Speedway

READERS' PICK: Cuppuccinos has the usual run of unusually well-made coffee drinks: espressos, cappuccinos, lattes. But its specialty drinks are like no one else's. Among the favorites of regulars here are the Hammerhead, an aptly named double espresso-and-house blend concoction; the Casablanca, a white-chocolate mocha; and the literary duet of the Kafka and the Cocteau, mocha and hazelnut treats (to which the second adds raspberry). All Cuppuccino's needs is a third literary beverage, the Balzac, named in honor of the French writer and java junkie who died of caffeine poisoning--say, a triple Hammerhead with a shot of ginko--to complete the writerly theme. Failing that, you'll still find something for every coffee connoisseur's taste here.

READER'S POLL RUNNER UP: A favorite with the University crowd for years, Bentley's House of Coffee and Tea, 1730 E. Speedway, serves up the kind of hot, steaming rocket fuel that's revived many a flagging brain. Before, during or maybe after studying, Bentley's dizzying menu of coffee drinks has the stuff to keep your synapses popping. The mocha shake, a perfect marriage of icy and sweet, provides a sugar/caffeine buzz so lovely it shouldn't be legal.

A REAL SCREAM: We would be remiss not to mention The Scream, a frozen brain hemorrhage of espresso, iced milk and whipped cream, which you can inflict upon yourself in chocolate or vanilla. This caffeinated beast of a morning beverage was spawned by the amiable owner of Bokays 'N' Lattes, a store that's a scream in its own right. This unlikely marriage of floral arranging and E-bar tending, located next door to the bagel shop in that pastel strip mall on the southwest corner of Alvernon and Broadway, relies mostly on

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