Best Bar For Smokers

STAFF PICK: Fat-free, sugarless, decaffeinated, non-alcoholic, MSG-free, and finally--the most hated and ubiquitous--"No Smoking!" These are the words marketing research groups and health Nazis have foisted upon us, driving us out of our happy, Epicurean lifestyles and into the dark of the night to rob convenience stores at gunpoint to satisfy our indomitable cravings. Surely some less-puritanical compromise would be more beneficial to overall public health and safety. In an historical era obsessed with giving up rather than enjoying the finer things in life, The Third Stone, 500 N. Fourth Ave., is a smoke-filled breath of fresh air. There on the table, for all the world to gape at in horror, is none other than a menu of cigars. That's right, cigars. Tumor-causing, teeth-staining, smelly, puking cigars, for your pure smoking pleasure. More than a dozen of these babies, in a wide range of sizes, prices and geographic origins, are yours for the asking, with descriptions so seductive even the non-smoking among us couldn't help but feel we might be missing out on something. Unless you're a regular in Ed Moore's office, you won't find a better place to set back, fire up a stogie and contemplate world domination.

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