Best Natural Disaster

STAFF PICK: The summer of 1996 began innocently enough--people cleaning their coolers and buying new pads, schools sounding their last bells, families preparing for vacations and relaxation...when suddenly, without any warning, the horror was upon us: Chupacabras, the dreaded pterodactyl-winged goat-sucking vampire kangaroos from Mexico! These bloodthirsty bowling balls cut an unprecedented swath of terror and destruction through the terrified city. Police were powerless to fight these preternatural fiends; city streets were choked with piles of desiccated bodies, pockmarked with the imprint of innumerable fangs. Terrified survivors hid behind locked doors and boarded-up windows, subsisting entirely on canned tuna and Ramen. The President was just about to declare a state of emergency and send in the National Guard when, as suddenly as they began, the attacks ceased. While many Tucsonans rejoiced and celebrated the end of the hellish onslaught, a few skeptics couldn't help but notice that the "Macarena" dance craze started almost to the day the Chupacabras attacks ended.

Could there possibly be a connection between the two? Only time will tell.

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