Richard Bruner Archives
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Come Together
Workers find common cause, but union organizing remains an uphill climb in Arizona.
Legal Brief
Establishing the National Labor Relations Board was landmark change in relations between employers and workers.
An Epidemic of Fat Kids
Our kids eat too much food, get too little exercise, whether they're at home, at school or at play.
Gastric-Bypass Surgery
Hooh! Aah!
Well, don't you know the sound of the men working at the state prison.
Working Poor, Living Poor
Thousands try to make it on minimum wage, or less, in Tucson. That's why they call it hand to mouth.
Loan Rangers
Who is that masked man offering you cash against your next paycheck?
Driven to Debt
Trade your car title for quick cash, but if you're not careful you'll be running on empty.
Fee-Range Turkeys
Banks gobble up your money through extra charges.
Rent To Be Owned
That TV you're 'renting' is 10 times more expensive than a cash purchase.
Credit Where It's Due
Your credit rating may be worse than you deserve.
Re-counting Sheep
Navajo churros make a comeback.