Karen Falkenstrom Archives
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Major Carter's Harley
Now's the time to visit museums, galleries on campus.
A Fresh Breath of Tucson
Share in the lesser-known pleasures of our little pueblo.
Rhythm 101
Ubaka Hill returns to Tucson to teach drumming as a path to liberation and well-being.
Sapphic Celluloid
Lesbian indie films give new implications to the juxtaposition of "butch" and "Sundance."
The Shaman's Baudy
Theater gets weird again.
Inflight Audio
Another tour de force of local literary talent.
Spork in the Road
Tucson's newest literary journal doesn't just spoon-feed us.
Spectral Analysis
Joni Wallace makes of the self a constellation.
Slam Academy
Some very long sentences on poetry.
Is POG A Verb?
POG is redefining language.