Dave Maass Archives

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Outside the Check-Box
Clean Elections wants your $5, but mainly it wants your attention. (07/03/03)

Abstinence Can't Wait
While other programs got cut, conservatives tried to give abstinence-only education more money. (06/19/03)

Don't Do the Dew
A case involving a pornographer and two teenage girls highlights a legal gray area. (06/05/03)

The Birthright Stuff
Local Jews watched from Israel as the war with Iraq unfolded. (05/29/03)

Interview With a Human Shield
Gaza Strip activist Laura Kraftowitz speaks about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. (05/29/03)

Back From the Dead
Two death row inmates from Tucson get a second chance at "life." (05/22/03)

Lei Down the Law
Hawaiian inmates in Arizona take the Corrections Corporation of America to court. (05/01/03)

The Mark of a Clean Election
Tucson man seeks governor's post using a funding policy he helped create. (05/30/02)

Clean Appeal
The state's publicly-funded campaign program is back in the courts. (04/25/02)

Bar Wars
State officials say private prisons need tighter regulation. A look inside the Florence Correctional Center suggests they may be right. (03/07/02)

Pol Pot
A cauldron of Tucson state lawmakers stews over the first week of this legislative session. (01/24/02)

Clean Sweep
The Clean Elections system is starting to get muddy. (01/17/02)

Space Case
Arizonans start packing for the final frontier. (11/29/01)

Screen Door
Film commissions in Arizona and Sonora cooperate to open the border for Hollywood productions. (11/22/01)

Spay Day
Next November, a ballot initiative proposes to reduce animal euthanasia by enforcing sterilization. (11/08/01)