Dave Maass Archives
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Outside the Check-Box
Clean Elections wants your $5, but mainly it wants your attention.
Abstinence Can't Wait
While other programs got cut, conservatives tried to give abstinence-only education more money.
Don't Do the Dew
A case involving a pornographer and two teenage girls highlights a legal gray area.
The Birthright Stuff
Local Jews watched from Israel as the war with Iraq unfolded.
Interview With a Human Shield
Gaza Strip activist Laura Kraftowitz speaks about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
Back From the Dead
Two death row inmates from Tucson get a second chance at "life."
Lei Down the Law
Hawaiian inmates in Arizona take the Corrections Corporation of America to court.
The Mark of a Clean Election
Tucson man seeks governor's post using a funding policy he helped create.
Clean Appeal
The state's publicly-funded campaign program is back in the courts.
Bar Wars
State officials say private prisons need tighter regulation. A look inside the Florence Correctional Center suggests they may be right.
Pol Pot
A cauldron of Tucson state lawmakers stews over the first week of this legislative session.
Clean Sweep
The Clean Elections system is starting to get muddy.
Space Case
Arizonans start packing for the final frontier.
Screen Door
Film commissions in Arizona and Sonora cooperate to open the border for Hollywood productions.
Spay Day
Next November, a ballot initiative proposes to reduce animal euthanasia by enforcing sterilization.