Some Thoughts On The Bowl Mix.
By Tom Danehy
THERE WAS A guy at the Insight.com Bowl the other night
who had driven three days straight from West Virginia to get to
Tucson. Poor guy's butt was flatter than Jim Kolbe's political
Alas, he appeared to have come alone, because Arizona Stadium
was shockingly empty just before game time last Saturday. The
initially announced crowd of 33,888 would have been the smallest
ever. It was later revised to 36,147, making it only the second
smallest ever.
And that's a shame, because it was a great game. Missouri jumped
all over West Virginia in the first half, but then the Mountaineers
staged a furious rally that fell just short. This game had great
plays, strong running, good passing and an outcome which wasn't
certain until the last minute of the game.
So where were you guys? Standing in line at the mall to return
the tie Aunt Mabel got you? You could've done that on Sunday.
My son and I went to the game as fans, not so I could write about
it. But the turnout left me puzzled and disappointed.
I'll admit I was openly skeptical about the Copper Bowl when
it started up a decade ago. Who needs more bowl games?
I've heard all the stuff about pumping $10 million into the local
economy, and I've been skeptical about that, too. Who comes up
with this number, and how does one arrive at such a figure? For
that matter, is $10 million a lot or just a drop in the bucket?
All that doesn't matter, really. I've come to accept the local
bowl game for what it is, a noble effort by a lot of good, hard-working
people. If it went away, most Tucsonans wouldn't miss it. But
the masses aren't always right. Just ask Rush Limbaugh.
This year's version of the old Copper Bowl has taught us some
real painful truths. Among them:
• It probably doesn't matter all that much how good the
match-up is. Missouri and West Virginia were both very good teams.
On paper (including this one), it looked like the best match-up
in the 10-year history of the bowl. And yet people stayed away
in droves.
Last year's New Mexico-Arizona game, by comparison, was a dream
match-up in Tucson bowl game terms, but a yawn to most fans around
the country. It drew over 50,000 fans to the stadium.
It looks like bowl organizers are going to have to choose between
game attendance and TV ratings. With the way things are now, it's
highly unlikely they'll be able to get both.
• Bowl organizers are going to have to try to find a way
to break TV's ability to wag that dog. Playing the game the day
after Christmas is like death. No matter how loyal fans are, few
are going to want to spend Christmas 2,500 miles from home just
so they can attend a football game the next day.
Having the game on the 28th, 29th or 30th would make all the
difference in the world. People could spend Christmas at home,
fly out and still spend most of a week in Tucson, see the game,
and maybe even stay for New Year's. Let ESPN put the Music City
or Motor City or Some Other City Bowl game right after Christmas.
A little luck wouldn't hurt. Just imagine if Oregon State would
have been able to eke out just one more win to qualify for its
first bowl game since the 1960s. Arizona Stadium would've been
full of orange-clad crazies. And we local football fans, such
as myself, would've been screaming our lungs out for our once-hapless
Pac-10 brethren.
Heck, even if Arizona State had sucked one fewer game this season
and had managed a winning season, the stadium would have been
nearly full. Of course, those same local fans would would've cheered
for Oregon State, would then show up to root against ASU. Just
imagine being able to watch ASU lose twice in one season at Arizona
And speaking of luck, don't forget that the now-mighty Fiesta
Bowl is the product of the longest lucky streak of all time (if
you discount Wayne Newton's career). The game was started by a
bunch of disgruntled ASU fans just so the Sun Devils would have
a place to play in December. It then lucked into some good TV
match-ups on Christmas Day back in the '70s.
Flushed with success, the organizers moved it to New Year's Day
to challenge the Big Boys. Then it lucked into Deep (Blue) Pockets
IBM, which was looking to throw away tons of money to advertise
its OS/2 system. (That was supposed to be the competition for
Windows. Yeah, right.)
Now, having kicked the Cotton Bowl to the curb, the Fiesta is
one of the Big Four. It just doesn't seem right.
And coming up for your bowl-watching pleasure (or not):
• The Rose Bowl (UCLA vs. Wisconsin, January 1):
Fortunately for us, this comes on at the perfect time of day to
take the Christmas lights down off the house and find a suitable
empty lot in which to
dispose of the Christmas tree.
No one will want to watch this game. Wisconsin has been called
the "worst team ever to play in the Rose Bowl," while
UCLA tricked everybody into believing they were a team of destiny
by winning one close call after another, only to be exposed as
a fraud by a very mediocre Miami team.
These two teams deserve each other, while longtime fans of great
Rose Bowl match-ups deserve much better.
• The Gator Bowl (Notre Dame vs. Georgia Tech, January
1): Cool. Another chance to watch the Irish get beat up.
• The Fiesta Bowl (Tennessee vs. Florida State, Monday
night, January 4): Tennessee coach Phillip Fulmer, upon arriving
in Tempe for the "national championship" game, said,
"I think the fans have finally bought into the BCS (rankings)
and they realize that the two best teams are meeting in the Fiesta
Dude, I wouldn't buy into the BCS if you gave me the bankroll,
told me I could spend as little as I wanted, and then could pocket
the rest.
The Fiesta Bowl features two teams who would get their heads
kicked in by the Arizona Wildcats. Explain to me how that makes
this the national championship game.