
Punk Rock's Glory Days Revisited.
By Greg Petix
LAST SUNDAY AFTERNOON you found yourself at a dusty, backyard
barbecue somewhere off of Fourth Ave. Some middle-aged punks stood
around the fire, lite beers in their hands and faded band logos
on their arms. Ignoring the din of their tone-deaf children and
muted addictions, they talked about the hard, gem-like days of
their dissolute youth, of Wrex Records and Nino's and Useless
Pieces of Shit, of dead junkies whose mohawks still grew underground.
You weren't around during those glory days, so you listened, a
little puzzled, a little bored, a little left out.
That's pretty much the way you'll feel as you flip through the
pages of Make the Music Go Bang! The Early L.A. Punk Scene.
As stated in the introduction, it's not so much a history of the
L.A. scene as it is a collection of scrapbook reminiscenses by
people who were "there," including Excene Cervenka,
Keith Morris, and Claude "Kickboy Face" Bessy (you know
him as that horrible "New Wave is ssshit" French guy
from The Decline of Western Civilization documentary).
Morris delivers some good, first-person anecdotes about the
early days of Black Flag and the Circle Jerks, and Louis Perez
of Los Lobos gives a novel account of what it was like trekking
to Hollywood from East L.A. to play rancheras in front of thrashing
carousels of punk rockers. Unfortunately, most of the other essays
are pretty slight unless you have a fetishistic reverence for
punk minutiae.
The book is mainly a forum for the photographs of Leonard, a
ubiquitous shutterbug of the time. Some of the pictures are mildly
interesting (Pee Wee Herman slumming it; a fucked-up Lawrence
Fishburne working the door at a club), and a few are even amazing
(a smash-faced punk smiling at the camera as if he had just lost
his virginity); but the bulk of these are no different than what
you'd see in some 12-stepper's photo album.
Boiled down, it makes for an okay fanzine article. But for $18...I
don't think so. Wait for it to show up at Bookman's, if at all.