
Have You Ever Killed Anything During Sex?
By The Editors
Just print out the following page, fill it out...we suggest in private so you won't feel pressure to mislead or impress, and mail it by December 31 to:
Tucson Weekly
P.O. Box 2429
Tucson, Arizona 85702
(No, there is not a way to submit your answers electronically. We realize it would've been cool but we're just too damn fond of being able to have people's handwriting analyzed.)
- Sex: ___ Male ___ Female ________ Age
- Zip Code_________________________________
- Orientation:
___ Bi ___ Gay ___ Lesbian ___ Straight
- I am a virgin ___ True ___ False
- I lost my virginity when I was _____ years old
- Losing my virginity was a ___ positive ___ negative experience
- I was ___ stoned ___ smashed when I lost my virginity
- I lost my virginity with a: ___ boy ___ girl ___ other
- I am ___ single ___ going steady ___ in a long-term relationship
___ married/partnered
- Check the one that applies
__ My lover and I have a monogamous relationship
__ My lover and I have an open relationship
__ My lover and I have an open relationship, but my lover doesn't
know that we do
- Have you cheated on your current partner? ___ Yes ___ No
- Did you get away with it? ___ Yes ___ No
- My longest relationship lasted
___ years ___ months ___ weeks ___ days
- My shortest relationship lasted
___ years ___ months ___ days ___ hours
- Do you have kids? ___ Yes ___ No
- If yes, how many? ___
- Do you have grandkids? ___ Yes ___ No
- If yes, how many? ___
- How often do you have sex? _________________
- How often would you like to have sex? ________________________________________
- I have faked an orgasm ___ True ___ False
- I am multi-orgasmic ___ True ___ False
- I have never had an orgasm ___ True ___ False
- I have changed my gender ___ True ___ False
- I masturbate ___________________ times a week
- I view pornography ___ Yes ___ No
- If you do view pornography, what kind of porn do you view?
___ Magazines ___ Videos ___ Cyber ___ Books ___ Other
- The last "sex toy" I purchased was: ____________
- I voted for:
___ Jane Hull ___ Paul Johnson ___ Kat Gallant
- I voted ___ in favor of ___ against banning cockfighting
- I am ___ pro-choice ___ pro-life
- Is oral sex sex? ___ Yes ___ No
- Bill Clinton should be tossed out of office. ___ Yes ___ No
- Check everything on this list that you have done:
___ hetero sex ___ homo sex ___ oral sex ___ vaginal sex ___ anal sex ___ mercy sex ___ anonymous sex ___ bondage ___ SM ___ beastiality ___ phone sex ___ public sex ___ posed for dirty pictures ___ made a dirty video ___ group sex ___ three-ways ___ sex with an extraterrestrial ___
used dildos ___ used cigars ___ role-playing ___ jerked
off in front of my computer ___ infantilism ___ had sex with
someone more than 20 years older ___ had sex with someone more
than 20 years younger ___ water sports ___ shaving ___ one-night stands
- I have had sex in/on: ___ a car ___ a boat ___ an airplane ___ a bathtub ___ my parents' bed ___ a
psychiatrist's office ___ a public restroom ___ the UA campus
___ a public park ___ the Oval Office ___ a church ___
a health club ___ a monster truck rally ___ bathroom at Club
- I have used the following food items in my sex play
___ Whipped cream ___ banana ___ zucchini ___ carrot ___
Popsicle ___ grapes
___ watermelon ___ sunflower seeds ___ other _________________________________________
- How many guns do you own?_______________
- I have done household chores to get sex. ___ True ___ False
- I would dump my current partner for wealth or fame. ___ True
___ False
- What's your favorite pet name for your sexual organs? ___________________________________________________________________
- I have lied to someone in order to get sex from them. ___ True
___ False
- Have your parents ever walked in on you having sex? ___ Yes
___ No
- Have you ever walked in on your parents having sex? ___ Yes
___ No
- I have had an STD. ___ True ___ False
- If true, which STDs have you had?________________________________________
- Have you lied about having an STD? ___ Yes ___ No
- Have you ever had sex while committing a felony? ___ Yes ___ No
- If Yes, what was the crime? __________________________________________________________
- I have said NO when I meant YES ___ True ___ False
- I have said YES when I meant NO ___ True ___ False
- Did you ever have sex when you really didn't want to? ___ Yes ___ No
- Have you ever fantasized about having sex with an employee of
the Tucson Weekly? ___ Yes ___ No
If so, please detail on a separate sheet of paper.
- If you had to have sex with one person in local television news,
who would it be?______________________________________________
- I have had sex on the following drugs:
___ Alcohol ___ Pot ___ Cocaine ___ Meth ___ LSD ___ Mushrooms
___ Ecstasy ___ Viagra ___ Roofies ___ Amyl Nitrate ___ Ibogaine
- I have the best luck meeting people:
___ bars and clubs ___ at work ___ through friends ___ via
personal ads ___ on the street ___ at coffeehouses ___ in
malls ___ in class ___ in church ___ online ___ AA meetings ___ plasma donation center ___ Trader Joe's ___ Fourth Avenue Street Fair
- I have paid for sex ___ True ___ False
- I have been paid for sex ___ True ___ False
- I have worked in the sex industry ___ True ___ False
- If true, in what capacity? (stripper, hooker, escort...) _________________________________________________________
- How many sex partners have you had in your life?
___ zero ___ less than five ___ five to 10 ___ 10 to 20 ___ 20 to 50 ___ 50 to 100 ___ more than 100 ___ more than 1,000 ___ can't remember
- Have you ever had sex for revenge? ___ Yes ___ No
- After completing this survey, do you feel like a slut? ___ Yes ___ No
(Feel free to use a separate piece of paper)
- What was your most memorable sexual experience? ________________________________________
- What turns you off about your lover? ________________________________________
- What do you think about when you masturbate? ________________________________________
- What do you try not to think about when you masturbate? ___________________________________
- What is the kinkiest thing you've ever done? ___________________________________
- What is the kinkiest thing you've never done, but always wanted to try? ___________________________________
- What is the weirdest thing you've ever said while having sex? ___________________________________
- Have you ever killed anything during sex? ___________________________________
- Anything we should have asked that we didn't? ___________________________________