Smokey Delivers The Coup De Grace To The Tucson Rod & Gun Club.
By Emil Franzi
THERE'S AN OLD civil rights story that goes like this:
Alabama, 1930s. A retired doctor from the north returns to his
old hometown after many years. He walks into the local county
courthouse and asks if black people can register to vote. He's
told yes, they can. But they must first pass a literacy test.
He says no problem. They produce a Chinese newspaper, hand it
to the doctor, and say, "Can you read this?" He looks
at it for a moment and responds "I sure can. It says there
aren't going to be any black folks voting in this county."
By a similar process, there isn't going to be any rifle range
allowed in the Coronado National Forest. No appropriate site is
available in the entire 647 square miles.
The U.S. Forest Service has completed its long-term goal of killing
the Tucson Rod & Gun Club. Forest Service officials set the
deadline of November 20 to present an option for the club's now-closed
shooting range near the mouth of Sabino Canyon. Forest Service
District Supervisor John McGee did so by presenting, with a straight
face, the most ludicrous option of all: He chose to let the club
remain on its present site if its members would simply build an
indoor facility.
The local media not only accepted this obvious ploy on its face,
but in some cases actually endorsed it, which tells us how far
the mandarin bureaucracy has gone toward making the policies they're
merely hired to carry out. The Tucson Citizen at least
found the proposal "unreasonable." The Arizona Daily
Star actually thinks it's a good idea. Damn, are we lucky
these people weren't around to write about Goebbels.
Tucson is once again being subjected to the Forest Service mantra,
belched repeatedly by the local gullible establishment press,
that the range was closed for safety reasons. Abundant evidence
in the Forest Service's own records reveal that the decision to
get rid of the club had nothing to do with the safety cover story,
and that the so-called "safety study" was a fraud written
by an unqualified stooge. The Forest Service hoax moves to an
even higher level with the "indoor range" proposal.
Never mind that there are no indoor rifle ranges anywhere in
the United States. It's an outdoor sport, like hiking and climbing.
Never mind that even were it to be constructed, it would eliminate
both black powder shooting and trap and skeet (unless McGee would
sign off on a high-rise portion for the latter). Never mind that
the cost of building a giant warehouse of re-enforced concrete
with the appropriate ventilation system would be astronomical.
Never mind that the club would have to be out of its mind to pay
for that facility with a guarantee of keeping it only for another
20 years. Never mind that nobody in her right mind, except perhaps
a dazed Star editorial writer, wants to see a building
twice the size of a football field in the entrance to Sabino Canyon.
McGee threw out all other options for an outdoor site based on
one criterion--noise. He has decreed, in total opposition to a
resolution unanimously passed by the United States Senate re-affirming
the multiple use of forest lands to include shooting ranges and
specifically naming this one, that the will of the Senate does
not apply to his backyard, which leads me to suspect that his
decision wasn't reached without the approval of his bosses in
the Department of Agriculture. No third-string bureaucrat would
flip Congress this big a finger without top cover.
Anti-gun zealots are, of course, praising the decision. They
place their own dislike of letting anybody shoot anything anywhere
ahead of the basic principles of accurate reporting and representative
government. If a government agency can lie as badly as Smokey
has and get away with it, that's dangerous for everybody's personal
freedom. And if they can alter policy made by Congress and get
away with that too, that's even worse. It's time for some treehuggers
and the Sarah Brady Bunch to wake up. They might not like the
next railroad by an unelected bureaucracy.
Some comments made to the Forest Service during the information-gathering
section of the "process" protested using any part of
the forest for shooting. Some find the sound disconcerting; others
said they didn't want to subsidize a sport they didn't like. There
are also people who feel similarly about golf, tennis, soccer
and all the stuff that goes on at a host of government-run and
taxpayer-funded recreation centers. And the "pristine quietness"
of Sabino Canyon has been a joke since the trams were installed,
which are louder and more obnoxious to many than gunshots. The
big difference is apparently that the trams are a "revenue
There is one more ingredient in the "poison pill" issued
to the club. By offering a clearly unacceptable option, the Forest
Service can now claim the club is leaving voluntarily. And try
to stick it to them for an environmental clean-up of the site.
The club has volunteered to do a clean-up on its own, as it volunteered
to initiate measures that would mitigate sound and make the safety
improvements called for in the now infamous "Shumsky Report."
But the Forest Service prefers to hire whatever outside contractors
it chooses--a process already bordering on corruption concerning
other decisions not limited to fraudulent safety studies. The
projected cost to the club? Perhaps a million and half dollars.
WHAT OPTIONS are yet available to the club? Congressman
Jim Kolbe, recently re-elected, was publicly indignant about reading
about the decision in the paper. The Forest Service had released
it prior to delivery to its intended recipients, the Rod &
Gun Club, an insulting public-relations ploy and favorite tactic
of phony politicians. After some sputtering indignation, Kolbe
has said he'd look around to see if there might be some federal
money to actually construct the monstrosity McGee suggested.
Senator Jon Kyl's office is "pursuing other options,"
the most viable of which is an appeal of McGee's decision to his
ultimate boss, Secretary of the Interior Dan Glickman. Glickman,
a former U.S. House member from Kansas, will be asked who should
make ultimate policy. Will he honor what Congress has said it
wants, or, like most cabinet members, is he just another showcase
prisoner of the bureaucracy he theoretically heads? Don't hold
your breath. Potted plants thrive far beyond the Tucson City Council.
Kolbe missed his chance to influence the outcome of this fight
during the House Appropriations process when he failed to muscle
the Forest Service on behalf of a new rifle range site for the
club. Appropriations muscling is something many of Kolbe's colleagues
engage in to win projects in their home districts. Even Phoenix-area
Congressman J. D. Hayworth, generally considered one of the great
buffoons in Washington, was able to control a recalcitrant bureaucracy
for his constituents by demanding parameters for a certain park
site by exercising the appropriations prerogative that Kolbe declined.
Which makes us wonder about who the real buffoon is. Forest Service
officials obviously considered Kolbe so politically impotent that
they let him discover their decision from the media.
In the meantime, some of us are reminded that this is not a new
issue. It goes back many centuries, and was illustrated in a classic
1938 movie. Errol Flyn, Alan Hale, Basil Rathbone, Robin Hood,
Little John, the evil Sheriff of Nottingham. The issue--who got
to use Sherwood Forest? The people or the corrupt government officials?