
Musical Chairs
IMAGINE FOR JUST one minute that the last decade never
happened. Now, recall some of the great guitar bands you were
listening to circa '85-'88: R.E.M., Windbreakers, Green On Red,
Dreams So Real, Zeitgeist/Reivers, Sidewinders.... Years before
angst, imagined parental abuse and a crummy day serving up lattes
translated into songwriting fodder for goobers with no discernible
vocal skills, America was producing a dearth of groups that actually
grasped the rock 'n' roll tunesmith's imperative: melodic verse,
harmony-strewn chorus, and a backbeat you definitely can't lose.
That's the tradition Hootie slots into, and you owe it to yourself
to absorb this album with ears untainted by the bleating anti-Hooties
who prefer playing reactionary games to actually listening to
music. Among the record's many highlights: "Home Again,"
with its gentle melody borrowed from "Leaving On A Jet Plane";
"I Will Wait," an uplifting look at secrets, lies, and
how we learn to reaffirm fidelity, all set against an amazingly
compelling jangly guitar/surging organ arrangement; and "Desert
Mountain Showdown," a slice of twangy goodtime with fiddle,
dobro and mandolin, pure Sweetheart of the Rodeo stuff at that.
Personally, I think I "got it" while watching Hootie
on TV at this year's Farm Aid. They'd turned their "Let Her
Cry" chestnut into the most soulful gospel anthem I'd heard
in ages, and it made me feel great. Try humming along to the seething
rage of, say, Korn or The Deftones; it can't be done. Hootie,
then, is for folks who take a quiet, profound joy in being alive.
--Fred Mills
Last Tango In Paris
LAST TANGO IN Paris is the only X-rated movie to
star a major player (Marlon Brando), a feat of bravery not equaled
since the flick surfaced in 1972. Wisely, director Bernardo Bertolucci
hired tenor saxophonist Barbieri to supply a sultry, tango-heavy
soundtrack. Barbieri has spent the ensuing decades vacillating
between the yuppie-jazz goo of Ruby and the vicious blowing
found on Latin America: Chapter One, the latter definitely
one of the finest jazz/world music albums ever recorded. When
Barbieri applies his superlungs to the sax, the mix of intensity
and Argentine romanticism aims at that point just a few inches
below the belt buckle--making him the perfect musical accompanist
for a wonderfully kinky movie where the application of butter
far surpasses anything the basic four food groups offer. If you're
looking for music to encourage this weekend's date to drop their
laundry after a few bottles of fruit du vin, this is as
good as you'll find. If this stuff doesn't get you laid, it wasn't
meant to happen.
--Dave McElfresh
Kashmir: Symphonic Led Zeppelin (1997)
(Point Music)
A FRIEND ONCE told me a story about his high-school basketball
days. Each member of the team could bring in music to play during
the warm-up period before the game. The allotted time was around
15 minutes. Other guys brought in metal, rap, the obvious stuff.
My friend had other ideas: He made a tape of Led Zeppelin's "The
Lemon Song" twice repeating. Soon after, the team lost their
musical privilege.
So it's sad to say that this collection of reworked stuff from
the Zeppelin oeuvre doesn't include one of the best songs to ever
couple citrus and hand-jobs. That said, this CD is still worth
checking out if for no other reason than it's 100-percent puff
daddy free. Plus, the songs were performed by the London Philharmonic!
To be honest, I did have some reservations about making this purchase.
In fact, I waited until I discovered it buried in a used bin for
five bucks. However, if I had known how truly great this
little piece of plastic was, I surely would have rolled my spare
change and paid full price.
The music is outstanding, the highlight being the reworking of
"Kashmir" into a modern classical piece complete with
Middle-Eastern accents, as well as a separate theme interwoven
between the rising and falling rhythm that so many fans have nodded
their heads to during bong hits. Buy it, bring it home, and flick
the black light on and off while saying a little prayer for John
Bonham's soul.
--Michael Brooks